Chapter 3

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Startled by the stern voice, I turn around, my heart pounding in my chest

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Startled by the stern voice, I turn around, my heart pounding in my chest.
"I'm sorry, I-..."
"Oh." the blond young man interrupts me, raising his eyebrows in surprise. "You're the new student, aren't you?" his tone lightens.
"Yes... Audra. Audra Bucket..." I stammer, feeling my voice tremble.
Suddenly, he smiles kindly, and his stern expression softens. I think he realized he might have intimidated me a bit. His eyes are pale and gently gaze in my approximate direction.
He must be blind...

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Ominis. Ominis Gaunt." his voice sounds friendly now, almost gentle, and my heartbeat gradually calms down.
I return his smile, trying to conceal my initial embarrassment.
He wields his wand in his hand. It repeatedly flashes red, reminding me of the flickering tongue of a snake. I watch with curiosity until I realise I'm still blocking his path.
"Oh, um, sorry for holding you up." I apologize quickly, stepping aside to let him pass.
"No problem at all." Ominis replies with a warm and friendly tone, and I feel the initial tension between us dissolve.
"You're one of the least judgmental people I've encountered. Thank you for that." he says, tapping his wand slowly as if the wood is listening. A hesitant smile crosses my face.
"Why would I judge you?" I ask confused.
"Well, a lot of people who see me for the first time just label me as weird or crazy. They think that because I am blind, I must be insane. But you don't," he explains, his smile growing broader. There's gratitude in his words, thankful that I didn't distance myself immediately because of his visual impairment.
"I'm so sorry to hear that, Ominis. People can be really horrible..."
"It's okay, really." he responds with a gesture, as if wanting to push the topic aside.
Yet, I sense that acceptance and kindness mean something special to him.
"I heard you're also in Slytherin? How do you like it so far in our house?" he asks curiously, smoothly shifting the conversation.
"Oh, I love the common room... but the history of our house's founder has left me somewhat... unsettled" I confess hesitantly.
"Salazar Slytherin," he says, not hiding his disdain for the man, "has cast a dark shadow on our house. A true pure-blood maniac. There are still some here who share his views, but I'm not one of them. I despise that man." His voice sounds resolute, and he sighs heavily.
"Unfortunately, I'm one of his direct descendants. His vile, racist blood runs through my veins..." he growls, "And I'm not proud of it in the slightest. Quite the opposite." A moment of silence hangs between us.
"Oh, I understand," I pause briefly to process his words.
"But you definitely don't seem like him at all. After all, you're talking to me, a Muggle-born." I laugh lightly to break the tense atmosphere again.
His lips form a slight smile, and I can see the relief on his face. "That's why I hate being descended from him...everyone thinks I'm like him and avoids me as soon as they hear my last name..., but I'm the exact opposite of him."
"I can tell," I say kindly, and Ominis begins to smile shyly.
"I'm getting pretty hungry, I was just about to grab something to eat..." I continue after a brief moment of silence. "Would you like to join me?"

Ominis looks surprised, and a faint blush colors his cheeks.
"I'd love to." he responds cautiously. It seems that the other studens treat him really unfairly, though he's actually so kind...
He extends his arm towards me, and with a smile, I link my arm with his, guiding him to the Slytherin table. It feels good to bring a little joy to someone.

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