Chapter 22. Objection

Start from the beginning

Only a moment later, San walks around the couch, placing a plate and mug of coffee down on the coffee table, leaning towards Wooyoung to place a kiss on the crown of his head, walking away to retrieve his own plate of breakfast and warm coffee.

Wooyoung smiles, lip tugged between his teeth as he reaches for the plate, taking in a deep breath, absorbing the smells of home-cooked eggs and bacon. Even if the meal had been simple, Wooyoung didn't care. San's love language was acts of service, taking care of others and proving how much he cares, always willing and always doting; a complete romantic.

As San settles into his seat, setting his mug of coffee down, he turns and looks at Wooyoung, smiling softly. Wooyoung can feel San's eyes on him, which causes his smile to grow, his eyes stuck to his plate as he playfully ignores San's gaze.

"You're really beautiful," San murmurs, his eyes unwavering as they watch Wooyoung's every move. A blush creeps over Wooyoung's cheeks, turning to glance at San with an adoring gaze, his heart melting into a puddle.

"You're really handsome." Wooyoung tosses back, smiling as he watches San's smile widen before looking away to his plate, his blush evident even if he was trying to hide it. "Y'know, Sannie–"

San eventually looks back at Wooyoung, his gaze piqued with curious interest. "This is the happiest I've been in awhile. Sitting here, with you, enjoying the tranquility of this place, finding peace even when it feels like everything around us is ready to collapse. . . I wouldn't trade this feeling for the world."

"My peace is because of you," San says softly, resting his plate down on his lap. "You make me feel so at ease that in just being here with you, I've found a means to decompress and relax, to be at home regardless of where we are."

Wooyoung's smile grows, if at all possible, feeling incredibly blessed and happy to be here with San, knowing that he'd be glued to his side regardless of what life threw at them. "You're my safe space forever, Sannie. I love you more than words can say."

"I love you," San murmurs. "More than anything I've ever known."

"I don't want to go back," Wooyoung pouts, turning his gaze away towards his plate, using his chopsticks to poke at his eggs. "I want to ignore Seoul and everyone who lives there for the rest of my life."

"I know," San says gently, picking at his food, too. "But we have to go back."

"Sannie–" Wooyoung sets his utensils down, placing the plate onto the coffee table, pulling his legs onto the sofa while moving to pick at his cuticles, his voice a near murmur. "What if something happens to us?"

"What do you mean?" San takes a bite of his eggs, focus drifting to Wooyoung.

"We're getting married tomorrow, but something feels. . . wrong." Wooyoung sighs, chewing on his lip. "I want this to work out so badly because I can't imagine a life without you in it, but for some reason, I don't know. . . something is gnawing at me."

"Is it Sun-hee and your brother?" San asks, continuing to eat quietly.

"Partially," Wooyoung admits quietly. "But your dad, my parents–"

"Still worried that he's going to break us up?"

Wooyoung turns to gaze at San, searching his eyes for a sense of something. San wasn't one to express his darker emotions so visibly, but Wooyoung could see a glimmer of fear within his amber hues, a sense of insecurity in a future they couldn't control.

"Wooyoung, I'm not going to let that happen." San tries to assure, moving his plate to set it down on the coffee table. "C'mere."

Wooyoung, with a breath, moves over, feeling as San pulls him by his hips, moving him to straddle his lap. Gently, San brushes hair out of Wooyoung's eyes, smiling at him fondly. "He has no say in our future, Wooyoung. I am forever yours, love. Don't let those thoughts replace what we have right now."

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