Chapter 2

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It's been 4 months since the windstorm. 2 months since Andy was informed that she would be receiving an award and 2 weeks since she received said award.

Andy's mom's name is Vanessa Morison. Since Andy left she married Andy's old boss from the precinct that she worked at when she was a detective. His name is Terry Yung. Andy's co-worker was a pathologist that helped with her homicide cases. Who she was also in-love with at one point. His name is Carter Perry. Andy has a brother and  sister- Ian and Carly- that she hasn't talked to since she left. Everyone though she was dead as there were no records under the name- Andrea Morrison
~Backstory Over~

••In New York••

Carter was looking at the papers that were about the "Hero's within the Force" He scanned over the first page.  The reason it caught his eye was the article it read  " Female Lieutenant saves Battalion Chief during windstorm." it caught his eye, so he continued to read

~Lieutenant Andrea Herrera revived a Medal of Valor after saving Respected Retired Commander in the military and now known as Battalion Chief Robert Sullivan. After rolling off the side of a cliff into a ravine  while in an ambulance. Lieutenant Herrera managed to unpin Chief Sullivan and secure his spine as he had damaged it. Since the accident he had attended physical therapy and made a full recovery. Lieutenant Herrera had been promoted to Captain soon after this accident.  When receiving her Medal she made a statement. She stated, "I do not believe I deserve this medal. We save people everyday. When we were trapped in the ambulance and I was trying to keep my Chief awake while also resuscitating our patient when she coded, but even after I did everything that I could she still died. Doing everything we can to save someone is our jobs even if we lose someone. Climbing up a cliff for help if that's what it takes to save someone, we do it because it is our jobs. We signed up for this when we attended the fire academy. We go to work everyday not knowing if we will make it home to our husbands, wives, children. It's a sacrifice that we make. I did my job that day. I do my job to help other people not to help myself out to be this hero. If i'm a hero for doing my job. Then I am currently standing in a room full of hero's because everyone here does the same job as I do. We all made a sacrifice. We are all hero's. Thank you" she made a powerful statement. Everyone on the force should have the same or even similar mindset as her.~

Carter was inspired by this article. It was so powerful. When he turned the page to see the pictures of these people that he just read about. His eyes shot open as he realised that he just seen a photo of a women that he loved. A women that he thought was dead. He stood there standing at the paper until Detective Yung entered the pathologists room to ask him for help on a case. When he came in he realised that Carter was staring at a paper.

Terry- "What are you looking at"

Carter flipped back to the front page and told him to look at it. Terry read through it and was amazed.

Terry- "She's a true hero even if she doesn't believe so."

Carter- "Turn the page and look at the picture."

Terry confusingly turned the page and his eyes shot open.

Terry- "There's no way. It can't be"

Carter- "It has to be. Her names Andrea. She just changed her last name."

Terry- "We have to tell my wife. Her mother would want to know."

Carter- "You're right, but I'm booking a flight and going to Seattle tomorrow."

Terry headed to his house with Carter following behind. They entered his house and found Vanessa looking at the same paper they were about to show her. They explained to her how they reacted and Carter stated that he was going to Seattle. Vanessa and Terry stated that they were going to go as well. They packed a few outfits and booked a hotel near the station. The next morning came around and they headed to the airport. They landed in Seattle a few hours later and Carter went to the station.

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