Chapter 16. Plead

Start from the beginning

"No you didn't. I'm still here, aren't I?" San holds him tighter, but Wooyoung cries harder. "Baby, please. Don't cry like this. You're breaking my heart."

"It hurts." Wooyoung breathes. "I can't–"

San's arms tighten, shifting Wooyoung closer, voice low and steady. "I need you to relax, Woo. You're on the verge of panicking, okay? Take a breath."

"My chest hurts, Sannie–" Wooyoung whines, lungs struggling to open as they gasp for air. "Please make it stop."

San gently reaches to tilt Wooyoung's head upright, composure completely calm. "Look where we are. We're at home, on the couch, completely alone and in the safety of our apartment. No one can see us, no one can hurt us, and no one is ever going to take me away from you."

Wooyoung's eyes frantically search the space behind San, head moving side to side as he inspects the security of their home. With a few timid breaths, Wooyoung's gaze retreats back to the safety of San's, watching as the male smiles at him tenderly, reaching his hand up to wipe away his tears.

"See? It's okay. I'm always going to be right here."

Wooyoung nods wordlessly, leaning forward slowly until he presses his forehead against San's. It all felt like too much to bear, almost as if the weight he was bearing was too much for him. It's only then that Wooyoung realizes that he needed to share the weight of all of this. He didn't have to face this alone, let alone to deal with the emotions that came to bat. He could rely on San and cry it all out, letting lose whatever feelings plagued his soul.

San was his partner in this. Their relationship wasn't fake anymore, even if Wooyoung hadn't been fully prepared to acknowledge how strong his love for the male had been. His feelings were real, and San's love and care for him even moreso. Wooyoung, as hard as it was, knew that he needed to let his walls come crumbling down. San was his everything and was slowly becoming the one person he knew he couldn't live without.

"T-Thank you." Wooyoung murmurs, hands clinging to San's shirt gently. "I'm–"

"Nope." San cuts him off. "Don't apologize. You have nothing to be apologizing for, jagi. We can fix it, okay?"

Wooyoung nods, pressing closer, hips shifting as he remains sitting on San's lap. "Can we go lay down?"

"You want cuddles, baby?" San smiles, looking up at Wooyoung, arms gently wrapped around his lower back. Wooyoung nods, and with a breath, he murmurs a quiet please. "Okay, let's go lay down."

Wooyoung carefully moves off of San's lap, grabbing his phone and following the male into the depth of his own bedroom, immediately sinking into his bed and comforter. San settles in next to him, opening his arms as Wooyoung moves to nestle into his chest, breathing the male in contently.

"Everything will fall into place," San murmurs, holding Wooyoung gently against him. "The arrangement will survive this, our parents will be fine, we'll be fine, everything will be fine."

"You just mean so much to me–" Wooyoung nearly whines, brows furrowing, biting his lower lip as he holds in surging tears.

"You're my everything, Wooyoung. We haven't been together long at all, but I can assure you and let you know that there's nothing in this world that would ever keep me from you. You can have all of me all the time, if you want. My heart has been yours for a long time, Wooyoung. You don't ever have to fear losing me."

Wooyoung leans back slightly, tears somehow escaping his eyes regardless of how much he tried to hold them in. His heart was truly set to burst, and the more San had spoken with reassuring kindness and compassion, the more Wooyoung struggled to not tell him how much he truly began to love him.

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