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Waking up and getting myself from the cozy embrace of my bed felt like a monumental task. The comfort was almost suffocating, a stark contrast to the restless nights I was accustomed to. But today was different. Today, I inhabited a new vessel, a "new" body.

Comparing myself to the previous inhabitant, Diandra, I noticed striking similarities. Our coloration, moles, and markings aligned, yet subtle differences emerged upon closer inspection. She stood taller than I, at a height of 174cm(5'8 1/2), her features sharper, imbuing an air of intimidation. Her shorter hair framed her face, falling just short of her shoulders. Scars adorned her skin, remnants of a life filled with toil and conflict. Unlike mine, acquired through surgeries, hers bore witness to hard labor and battles fought. Each scar left me pondering the life she once led.

Pushing aside these thoughts, I decided to explore my surroundings. With no immediate plans for employment, until I got my classes sorted and found out how much school work I would be doing, I opted to acquaint myself with the neighborhood and its offerings, reserving the task of job hunting for later. Dressing in a simple ensemble – a snug black shirt paired with jeans with slight baggage – I deemed it an appropriate outfit; not striking, but looks respectable and tidy. I added a brown bomber jacket for good measure.

Navigating through the bustling streets, I found myself drawn to the allure of the mall center. Entering the stores, I embarked on a quest to get new clothing for my wardrobe. It was clear that the dead Diandra's clothes were plain, and she didn't care about what she wore. I needed to seek garments to suit my newfound identity.

I got about a dozen shirts, half a dozen pants, undergarments, and shoes. Platform shoes are what caught my eye. Slipping them on, I marveled at the added height they bestowed upon me, transforming me into a statuesque figure at 176.5cm (5'9 1/2).

While looking through my newly acquired wardrobe, ALI jolted me back to reality: " A character has appeared nearby, Diandra."

"That's cool," I paused for a second, "Which one?"

Promtly, "That's for you to figure out." I rolled my eyes, "Thanks, ALI."

"My pleasure, Diandra."

Choosing to ignore ALI's comment, I chose not to find the character and make my way back home. As I was at an intersection, I saw an older woman struggling to make her way across the street. I decided to assist the woman, first asking if she needed help. I noticed her eyes were glazed. Blind. I decided to keep quiet and not ask questions. Instead offering my arm with the bit of space I had left on my arm with no bags and grabbed her groceries. Escorting her across the street, I adjusted my grip and the many bags I had and matched my pace with the woman. Even when the light turned green, and cars and a few honks were heard, I stayed with the woman. 

"You're quite tall and strong," She noted.

"Thanks, I workout sometimes," I laughed a little. Lie. But it appears the old Diandra did keep her body trained and in shape.

"You're very kind, too," she smiled, looking up to where she thought I was as we walked.

"I try to be. I've had hard times, and I sometimes wonder what little kindness could've changed how everything went." 

I felt her hand squeeze my bicep a bit, "you're a good girl. I hope everything turns out nice for you."

"I wish you the same," I smiled a bit. She laughed. 

As I walked, a character I recognized passed by; I subtly maneuvered, prompting the man to yield at the crosswalk. His gaze met mine and then to the bags.

I smiled and replied quickly, "No need to help. I've got everything under control." I didn't want an unnecessary connection to characters in this world, I reminded myself.  

With the encounter concluded, I made my retreat, homeward bound with a small smirk playing upon my lips. Reflecting on the day's events, I couldn't help but remark, "Wow, his ears really are big," a small jab at the man's most prominent feature.

Little did I know that this chance encounter would set into motion a chain of events that would, unfortunately, forever alter the course of my journey.

The Observant (Isekai OC x Lookism)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora