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As you glanced around the room, your eyes settled on the lone table adorned with a school uniform and a file. "J High, huh?" you muttered to yourself, reaching for the folder. "Well, here goes nothing." Flipping through the pages, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of reluctance. Honestly, you didn't want to collide with the plot; their lives are theirs, and mine is mine. I would rather keep away and know the plot than interfere and not know what future awaits me. Don't get me wrong, being in another world, especially one you loved so much, was nice, but I also had to remember that this place, this story, became dangerous.

But then again, who could resist a little peek into another world, especially one so familiar yet dangerously unpredictable?

Documentation. That's what the file was. Everything was normal, except for the fact it said your parents were deceased. Orphan, huh? You winced a bit, "Well, that's just fantastic," you muttered, feeling a pang of sympathy for the previous occupant of your newfound persona.

WIthout looking away from the documents you called out to your companion, ALI, and couldn't help but voice your concerns. "ALI, what if I bump into someone who recognizes me?"

Quickly, ALI responded, "You'll know if someone remembers you, and memories will flood back. But don't worry, the previous Diandra Hyun kept a low profile. A handful of people might recognize her, like orphanage directors, a caretaker, even a butcher and a couple of ladies from the brothel up north."

You couldn't help but balk at the eclectic mix of acquaintances. "Seriously? What's up with this roster of people?" you sighed.

Before you could dwell too much on it, another question popped into your head. "ALI, what was the previous Diandra like here?"

After a brief pause, ALI's response surprised you with its depth. "She lived a mundane life, longing for peace after her family's passing. In a way, her death brought her the happiness she'd been missing. Remember, by living your life, you're honoring hers too."

"Dang, ALI, getting all sentimental on me," you chuckled. "But you know what? You're right. This could be a fresh start for both of us."


When you declared this was going to be fun, you didn't mean it in the traditional sense. No, your idea of fun involved a careful dance of observation, not interference. And so, armed with your resolve, you set out to navigate this new world.

Finding J High wasn't too challenging, thanks to ALI acting as your guide. As you looked through the course offerings, none seemed to ignite a burning passion within you. Although the fashion department looked fun. Fashion was out of bounds; too many characters were in that class. Instead, you opted for the class that seemed like you wouldn't collide with any major characters and could give you useful life skills—the Baking Department.

Blushing at the thought, you couldn't help but wonder at the unexpected turn your life had taken. "Who would've thought?" you mused, knowing your family back home would never believe it.

With your classes sorted, you had a few days before they began. This gives me time to prepare myself and also scope out the characters—not purposefully, though. You were just curious.

"Hey, ALI, quick question," you began. "Couldn't you technically, hypothetically... help me out with tests and stuff?"

A terse "No" was all you got in response.

You raised your brow, "Damn, well, I'll keep that in mind then that you won't be my accomplice."

You then gave a small smile and chuckled, "Fair enough." "Guess I'll have to rely on my own wits."

As you made your way home, you couldn't help but wonder about potential job opportunities. "ALI, keep an eye out for any leads, would you?"

"Of course, Diandra."

"Thanks, ALI," you replied, feeling a flicker of excitement for the adventures yet to come. "Let's see what this world has in store."

AN: Holy cow, it's been a long time since I've updated. I know everything is pretty slow with the plot but next chapter, Diandra will be in school and may be meet a character. ;)

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