Conversation unexpected

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I'm waiting for Chelsy to enter the door so I can talk with her. Just as she was about to cross the doorway, she spun around and now stood facing Shane. She leaned forward and kiss his cheek before telling him something and he reaponded. I clenched my hands into fists, envious and jealous that Shane was getting my girl's kisses.

I saw her walking towards me since the only seat available was next to me.She dropped her backpack on the floor and sat on the chair next to me.

"Hey" I saluted to her.

She just ignored him.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked

"If you are why?"

She still did not respond.

"Can you at least tell me why you dyed your hair and changed your style" I asked desperately for her to answer me and let me hear her voice that lights up my world.

"Why do you care? It's my life I can do whatever I want." She finally responded.

I was quiet for awhile , thinking what happend to my Chelsy, who was innocent and never swore bad words before I responded"Because I care about you."

"If you cared about me, you should know why I did it and support me not criticize me" she angrily said.

"I'm not criticizing you" I said back trying to calm her.

"Well it sounds like it. You know what..just shut up. Instead of criticizing me go ask Shane on some tips on how to compliment instead of critism." She angrily responded again.

When she mentioned Shane, my hands turn into fists, which I quickly tucked into the pockets of my sweater. I was jealous and I'm pretty sure my emotions showed in my eyes but I quickly composed my self.

With all the cold and angry voice I could master I replied "When have you and Shane been friends because last time I checked, you hated his guts".

Before she could make a comeback I turned around and looked forward ignoring her.

Well, that went perfectly great I sarcastically thought as I waited for this period to end..

Acting like you loved me&lied. Ya I don't think so!Where stories live. Discover now