Ambrose knew the real reason. Maya.

So no, Gemma wasn’t exactly her favorite person and Dyana had stopped hanging out with Ambrose whenever she was present. Luke surfaced again, pestering him while Gemma present as they talked about music and Ambrose finally snapped.

“Why can’t you take the fucking hint and leave me the fuck alone.” he snapped angrily.

“I love ruffling your feathers.” Luke replied unruffled.

“If you’re so desperate, why don’t you find Justin who you threw like meaningless trash. He’d likely give the attention you’re desperately in need of. Get your shit together, and swallow your fucking decrepit pride for once.”

Luke’s expression changed as quick as lightening, switching from playful to lethal ice. “What did Dyana tell you?” he growled.

“Nothing. The look on his face the last time he was here told me all I needed.” He replied turning back to Gemma. “Find him and bother him. God knows I already have enough shit on my plate.”

Luke's angry glare penetrated his back, but Ambrose refused to back down neither was he in the mood to care or to apologize. Eventually that did the trick. Luke gave him space.

Gemma spoke after a long pause. “That was a little harsh, don't you think ?”

He scoffed. “That’s the only way he’d leave me alone. Sick, I know but I’m in a truckload of crap because of him.”

Luke didn’t speak to Ambrose after that, avoiding eye contact, staying holed up in his room in the evenings and left the house during the day. He wouldn’t call Justin. Didn’t apologize, waiting for Justin to call, or visit. Nothing like that happened.

A week turned to two. And his anxiety tripled.

Luke finally agreed to apologize, hating the loneliness that clung to his skin; missing Justin’s company. One day on one of his outings, he didn’t know the doorbell rang that early evening. He didn’t know that Ambrose opened the door, only to see Justin standing at the doorstep. He didn’t know that Ambrose and Justin had been talking discreetly behind his back those afternoons he left the house, exchanging calls and texts.

And he didn’t know, that Justin didn’t come to his house to apologize rather, he came to spend time with Ambrose who compelled him with his sweet personality. He didn't know their plans for revenge. A plan to trigger his jealousy.

He didn’t know that as he stood in front of the door of Justin’s house with a heartfelt apology on his lips as Justin’s mother told him that Justin was already at his house.

He didn’t know that as he raced happily back to his house, Ambrose and Justin were getting drunk over the numerous cans of beer mixed with spirits. That Justin had been the first to kiss Ambrose, and that Ambrose had brushed his advances with a drunken laugh. That Justin held Ambrose’s chin, stared deep into Ambrose’s eyes and whispered, “But I want to.”

And that Ambrose had asked with a drowsy voice. “What about your boyfriend?”

That Justin had closed the space between them, pressed his lips against Ambrose’s soft ones and whispered, “I don’t have any.”

Luke didn’t know that Rajah cocked his head in question while Alastor and Martha watched with interest, wondering wether to rescue Ambrose from the boy digging fingers into his inky black hair or watch.

He didn’t know all that…until he finally found the two out back. “Hey, Ambrose, have you seen…” his voice trailed dead at the sight of Justin necking Ambrose with feverish kisses.

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