A Story and A Roomate

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Y/n was currently seated on a chair as Harley Quinn was currently sitting innocently cross legged on his couch freshly showered  and back in her jumpsuit smiling innocently, after hearing her name he told her he had questions that needed answers, he didn't expect her to comply so fast though.

   "Okay let's cover the simple stuff....so your Harley quin?"y/n

"Mhm, the one only!." Harley said enthusiastically.

" and your the jokers girlfriend?." Y/n asked

"Ex! Me and Mr.J are donzo!" Harley clarified firmly, as though she had repeated this sentiment alot, Y/n was unconvinced.

" something tells me you don't just break up with a guy like that.." y/n said.

"But we did!" Harley pouted. " I even did what i did so everyone could see I was serious!" Harley explained in frustration.

"And how did you do that exactly?" Y/n asked with a raised eye brow.

"Blowing up Ace Chemicals, Duh!" Harley said with a smile. Y/n eyes widened, making the connection that she was the reason said chemical plant was on the news.

" why the hell would you blow up a chemical plant?" Y/n asked genuinely confused, not understanding what anyone would really gain from that.

   "You know.." Harley said as if he's joking, then notices his still confused look. " wait you don't know?! It's like the most common thing anyone could know about me and The Joker!" She exclaimed

Y/n rolled his eyes " remember where you are, I'm not privy to every detail of something that happens deep in the city,  I don't have alot of knowledge on the super villains of Gotham, you and your ex included."

"Well you don't want people thinking you're living under a rock , so good thing Harleys here to help ya!" Harley said happily Y/n just stared at the woman, wasn't she just pleading for her life moments ago?

Suddenly as Harley went to speak again, Harleys stomach growled loudly.

"Ooh" harley sounded as she rubbed her stomach. " i could really go for something right now, do you have any snacks?" She asked y/n.

Y/n eyed her a bit, she did look a bit drained, he wondered how long she had been on the run.

"In The Pantry." Y/n said giving her the direction she needed to go too.

Harley springs form the couch and skips over to the pantry.

"Now slow your roll, you still need to tell me why you blew up a chemical plant?"y/n said as he watched grab a bag of Doritos, Ore  and a Gatorade.

"Well if you really wanna know , you're gonna have to sit down and hear my story." Harley said with a smile as she took out a Dorito from the bag.

Y/n couldn't help but roll his eyes "can't you just give me a short answer?"

"No! Its No Fun when its short!" Harley said with a pout.

Y/n just internally groaned, he just went over to the pantry and grabbed a dorito bag and a gatorade for himself, if he had to sit through a story he might as well snack. " Whenever you're ready." Y/n said as he opened his dorito bag.

Harley smiled happily and clapping her hands. " Thank you good sir!, now..." harley said beginning her tail.

"They say, if you want to tell a story right, you gotta start at the beginning..." harley began.

" harley began

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The Gangster and The Jester (Male Y/N x Harley Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now