He raised his hand to see the time , black watch and looked expensive.
A freaking Black Cartier. Even though it wouldn't be expensive for rich people , it was expensive for people like me.
That wasn't the thing that got my attention first , it was his hands.
Veiny large hand , looked too smooth. Covered with tattoos , no hands would be so gorgeous as his at the time. I'd let that man choke me , it would be as gorgeous death as his hands. Something is definitely wrong with me. My own hands looked so small compared to his. His knuckles, freshly bruised but cleaned.
I could smell the cologne he was wearing , almost addictive. Almost.

I forced myself not to look at him but the book. Dear God , this man beside me is absolutely gorgeous.

After never ending time and the same instructions , finally the pilot decided to take off.
As the plane was taking off , a yelp escaped from me. Darn it , I had mentally prepared myself for weeks but I was still scared. I had never been alone before on a plane. I squeezed my eyes shut and held on to a soft yet hard surface. I had already realised my mistake , I already had an idea what it was but I didn't give a shit. I was alone and scared. The person has to bear with it.

To my surprise, he didn't push my hand away , thank god. My eyes were still shut, I needed some time to calm myself. As I did , I immediately took my hand away from his. I still had an imprint of it. Heck , it burned my skin and I could still feel the sensations. I could still feel those warm , soft and rocky hands. Almost as addictive as his eyes. Almost.
I wanted to hold them until the plane landed at my destination.

" I'm sorry ". To my embarrassing self , it came out shaky. I hated being vulnerable. I cleared my voice box and again said with clearance, masking my weak self - " Sorry ".
I turned away from him and kept as much distance as I could.

He didn't say anything , rude but I liked it anyway. It was good for me.

The flight was silent and I was in my world again. Reading the book and an ongoing movie in my head. It wasn't as terrifying as I thought.

The man beside spoke no word. I wished people would be like him. I adored silence , I adored peace and the quiet.

I believe, if we cannot be comfortable in silence with the person , they're not your type of person. I mean the friend or life partner you choose should be fluent with your quiet.
Millions of things are conveyed in silence. There is no answer or weapon as silence. There are no words as powerful as silence. I loved silence. I loved it as much as the heartbeat.

Heartbeat was my most favourite sound. I loved hearing heartbeats. I used to take my aunt's stethoscope and listened to Amy's heartbeats.
It's calming , enchanting and graciously addictive. And yes , I was addicted to sounds of heartbeat and whales and the seas. I didn't care if anyone judged me for it.

After God knows how many hrs , I finally landed in London. I had to find my Uncle Jesse. He would pick me up and drop me to my dorm and explain everything around here.
God , I'm anxious again. New place , new everything.

I calmed myself , as long as uncle Jesse existed , I'm safe.

To my surprise, I found him in a few minutes of searching. He was wearing white shirt and brown pants. He waved at me. I smiled and ran to him and hugged him so tightly.
He chuckled, yes , I missed his voice.

" Were you frightened little atlas. You were alone , right ? That too for the first time. Come on , we'll buy some sweets to calm your nerves. I still have to give you so much information which you'll title it as a lecture. "
I chuckled.

He took my bags from my hands and exclaimed, " Dear Lord ! You have dead bodies here ? "
I laughed and marched with him to his car.
" No , unfortunately. I have clothes and some books. " I stated.
" Oh Dear , I've had an unforgettable experience with your ' some books '. "
I smiled , oh how much I've missed him.

We sat in his car and put on the seatbelts and chatted alot. He bought me sweets for dorm and ice cream in the chilled weather. I loved ice cream in the winter. Apparently, it wasn't as chilly here for August as stated by my uncle. He lectured me on absolutely everything. The food , the streets , the clothes, all the ways to his home and my dorm and my university. I loved how much he cared but I wasn't a child anymore and this isn't my first time in London. Me and my family have come to London almost 5 times for vacation. It's the only foreign grounds I've stepped on.

He left me in the dorm in a hurry , as he had a meeting to attend. He specifically saw my room first and then left. Funny but annoying. The room was small and I had one roommate, thank god for that. I cannot put up with humans much even though I'm pursuing psychology. I've only ever had one roommate and it was my crazy sister.

Well, I've got so far now, I survived so much. What's a biggy in this.
I can share a room and pretend I don't exist or the person doesn't exist to me.

Here we go ....


Thank You for reading my story. I'm a new and peachy writer. Ignore my mistakes even though I've checked a couple of hundred times.
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Adios Amigos .

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