Chapter 8

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POV Harry
The next class was biology. Harry sat down in the first row and waited for Liam to come and join him but Liam never entered the classroom.

Harry was confused he and Liam both compared their timetables and they were in the same biology class. Maybe he was still talking to Louis, Harry thought.

That had to be it. Liam would come when he was finished which shouldn't take too long.

"Okay is everyone here?" Mrs. Bullock asked.

Harry raised his hand.

"No Liam Payne is still missing but I'm sure he's going to come soon." Harry replied.

"Okay then we'll just have to start without him." She said and continued her lesson.

The lesson itself wasn't really interesting to Harry. He was staring at the clock and wondering when Liam was going to show up. When he looked again saw that Liam was already thirty five minutes too late. What was he doing? Then suddenly there was was knocking at the door and Liam came into the room.

"Liam Payne I would like to see you after lessons."

"Okay" Liam replied.

"You may sit down now." Mrs. Bullock said and pointed to the empty seat right next to me.

When Liam sat down Harry recognised a worried look on Liams face. Why was he working.

"Hey man I'm sure she's just going to ask why you were late it's not like you're going to get detention or worse get dispelled." Harry said in a reassuring tone.

"It's not that I'm just confused." Liams answered while writing everything from the board on his collage blog.

"Why are you confused?" Harry asked worried.

"Harry can we just talk about it later?" Liam said pleading.

Harry nodded, he wasn't happy with not knowing why Liam was so concerned but he would have to wait until Liam told him.

Was Liam confused about something that happened with Louis? Was that the reason he was so late? Harry felt himself getting angry. If Louis touched Liam the wrong way he would talk to Louis himself. This couldn't go on. This boy was always running around and punching people that don't deserve it like Liam or his boyfriend Nick.

Before Harry had even realised it, his lesson was over and he had a small break.

When he tried to talk to Liam about what happened he always repeated he was going to tell Harry later. After asking the fourth time Harry was starting to get really frustrated. Why couldn't Liam just tell Harry what happened.

The lessons continued until 4 o'clock pm and Harry didn't have any other class with Liam so he waited patiently until dinner. He already asked Zayn if he knew what was going on with Liam but Zayn just shrugged and said he hadn't noticed.

Harry thought that was weird as well Zayn was the first person to notice if someone was behaving strangely and not even he noticed Liams weird behavior.

When Harry went into his room to change into more comfortable clothes he noticed that Nick was already lying on his bed.

"Hey babe." Nick said and made grabby arms to Harry who immediately came to hug Nick.

"How was your day?" Nick asked planting small kisses on Harry's lips.

"It was alright. Liam behaved weird and I have to figure out why but other than that I went well. How about you?" Harry asked snuggling more into Nicks arms.

"Tomlinson. I don't think I need to say more." Nick said.

"Why? What did he do this time?" Harry asked confused.

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