Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

The Dark Lord exited the pensieve looking inquisitive. The Potter boy that came from nowhere was becoming quite the nuisance. Not to mention the very unexpected revelation back in the Summer that the teen was a parselmouth. Voldemort had spoken extensively with Bellatrix about the Black family tree. The last Black that had been a parselmouth was nearly two centuries ago. The Blacks had never intermingled with the Gaunts before, but it was assumed that the ability was tied from a Slytherin line somewhere. The fact that a child of the Potter and Black family had suddenly appeared with the ability of a parselmouth was suspicious to the Dark Lord

The Potter family was rallying to oppose him, of that there was no doubt. They were becoming a thorn in the Dark Lord's side in the short time they had risen from the shadows. First at the Black ancestral home, then at Godric's Hollow, and now in the Wizengamot. The first incident could easily be dismissed. Arcturus Black was old, and he could meet a sticky end any day now allowing new leadership to guide the ancient house Black. On that front, they had not disrupted his plans much.

The resistance at Godric's Hollow had been surprising, and if the Dark Lord expected any push back he would have snuffed it out from the beginning. Instead, he arrived with members of his inner circle only to find the Potters prepared to engage him in battle. Quite the surprise indeed.

Voldemort could admit however that this problem in the Wizengamot was caused by his own followers' children. The Lestranges were hardly known for their restraint. The attack on the two Muggleborn girls was something he would expect from the children of his followers, but he also expected them to be much more discreet. The fact that they could now be legally killed in battle was not something that sat well with the heir of Slytherin.

Running a hand through his hair Voldemort shook his head. He had been an honored guest in Lestrange Manor for the past year. He had trained Rodolphus personally on multiple occasions. The young man was quite talented, and he had little doubt the young man would slaughter the younger, less experienced, Potter. When that happened new champions could be brought in. If the family continued to push, the Dark Lord himself could step in to eradicate Charlus Potter if it became necessary. With it being all nice and legal it would be a good way to increase the recruitment drive.

Numbers had been down since his followers had encountered violent resistance in Godric's Hollow. If the leader of that resistance was ended in a violent fashion then numbers should return to normal, or perhaps even swell!

"What do you think, my lord?" The voice of Corvus Lestrange asked, bringing the Dark Lord out of his thoughts.

"I think your son needs to put down this Harry Potter." Voldemort said thoughtfully, "The family is overconfident in his abilities. He has power, of that I am certain. We witnessed some of it in Godric's Hollow. We have also received some second-hand information from the upper-year Slytherins at Hogwarts, but we will remind them of the power of your family."

Corvus took the words with pride, "My son will not disappoint, my lord."

"I will look in on him tomorrow." Voldemort informed, "Offer some guidance, and ensure the boy is up for the challenge."

"You think this will be a challenge, my lord?" Corvus asked, sounding irritated by the notion.

"It would be wise for Rodolphus not to underestimate the boy. While I am certain the family is overconfident, I am equally certain it is not completely unjustified." Voldemort said thoughtfully, "We can expect the boy to be talented, just not at the level of your oldest son. If Rodolphus comes in focused, and treats this fight like it will be the most difficult of his life, then I am confident we will prevail."

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