Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Dear Mum and Dad,

My first day at Hogwarts was an interesting experience, to say the least. James and I have quite a few classes together, and I have had an opportunity to meet many people that remind me of home. Being sorted into Slytherin has been an honor, and having the opportunity to get to know Andi better is something I am looking forward to. She has kindly introduced me to more names, and faces than I will likely remember, but it was nice to have a familiar face to guide me around.

As my Patronus undoubtedly told you I had a meeting with Headmaster Dumbledore last night. Needless to say, we had a few disagreements, and narrowly avoided cursing one another, but it was a close thing. For now, the Headmaster has let me be, however, and I am not expecting any further incidents for the foreseeable future. It seems my previous encounters with a Phoenix gave me some leeway in his eyes.

I should warn you both that I have already found myself at odds with a few members of Slytherin House. I promise that I have only acted in a way that you would both approve of so far. The bigotry displayed by members of my house is quite disturbing, but I think I have provided ample reasons for my housemates to mind their manners.

I should warn you both though that I was forced to disarm Rabastan Lestrange, and stun a member of the Mulciber family. Worst of all, however, a member of the Avery family attempted to curse me in the back. I was forced to remind him of the cost of attacking a Potter, and snapped his wand in retaliation. He did not act alone, however, and a wizard by the name of Corban Yaxley attempted to aid him. Perhaps you will hear from their families, but I am unsure if they would like to admit that they were beaten by an opponent they had outnumbered 4 to 1.

I plan to make you both proud this year, and I look forward to writing home with updates as much as I can. I miss you both, and I look forward to the holidays.

Harry Potter

Harry read over his letter one last time before calling for an owl to make the delivery to Potter Manor. The sun had not even made it over the Black Lake yet, but signs of dawn were coming. Another restless night had led him to prepare for his upcoming duel with Professor Black at an earlier time than he anticipated. Staring up at the Quidditch Pitch he reminded himself that he would need to meet with Regulus Black to seek a spot on the Slytherin Quidditch Team. He had a lot of good memories on that pitch, and even his first kiss with Ginny. It felt like a lifetime ago, and Harry sighed wistfully.

"Feeling sentimental, Potter?" A voice called from behind him.

"Good morning, Professor." Harry acknowledged turning to face the man who was wearing a light cloak with dueling robes underneath, "I don't think I understand the question."

The man chortled as he began walking towards the dark forest with his student walking shoulder to shoulder with him, "Your mother gets that same look on her face when she is remembering a fond memory."

Grinning at the similarity Harry looked out to the forest as they crossed into an area that was forbidden to students in his time. It was a beautiful morning as the sun hit the horizon, and he could even see Thestrals in the distance grazing in the grass. Deciding to answer his Professor's inquiry he spoke with an even voice, "I've always loved Quidditch. I have a lot of fond memories with the game."

Alphard Black chose to humm in acknowledgment of his words as they crossed through the Dark Forest. Harry spotted a lone Centaur on sentry duty, as well as an Acromantula rummaging through the forest. The time traveler was intimately familiar with where the nest of the giant spiders was located, and knew that they weren't close enough to draw the ire of the horde. Regardless, something told Harry that with the help of Professor Black beside him, they would be okay whether they launched an attack on the pair or not.

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