Chapter Twentythree

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Ron's POV

I was spot on with my manipulation. Somehow, it cut through that fancy earpiece of his. As I watched him teetering on the edge, ready to pull the trigger, Winter's sudden intervention shook him out of the trance. It was like a switch flipped in my head. A pounding headache hit me like a ton of bricks. It felt like I was clawing my way out from under someone's control, and then suddenly, I snapped awake. It was as if I'd finally broken free from the grip of whatever force had been pulling my strings.

The next thing I knew, Mylo slipped away from my grasp. Winter swooped in and whisked him away from the scene. It was like trying to hold onto water – he just slipped through my fingers. And there went Winter, grabbing him and vanishing into the chaos.

Now I realize I can still be aware, even in the smallest way, when I'm messing with someone's mind. And just like that, everyone and I mean every single person at the wedding, started pouring out of the venue. It was like a stampede, leaving me standing there dumbfounded, trying to piece together what had just happened. It felt like the world had turned upside down in an instant.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Toto's number in a hurry. He picked up, and without wasting a moment, I asked him where he took (Y/N). He quickly texted me the hospital's location. It was a relief to have some clarity in the chaos. I rushed out of there, my heart pounding with worry, determined to reach (Y/N) as soon as possible.

Thankfully, the hospital was just a few blocks away. As soon as I arrived, I spotted Toto pacing anxiously outside. He wasted no time in explaining the situation: (Y/N) had been rushed into surgery due to her critical condition, and the outcome was uncertain. My heart sank at the news, a mix of fear and fright flooding through me.

Toto and I sat there, the minutes dragging on like hours, anxiously waiting for any news about (Y/N). It felt like an eternity had passed before a weary-looking doctor finally approached us after what seemed like five endless hours. My heart raced as I braced myself for whatever news he was about to deliver.

"Good Evening gentlemen, are you relatives of Ms. Spade?"

Toto nudged me gently, silently urging me to speak up. "Good evening, doctor. I'm... I'm... I'm (Y/N)'s husband." I replied, feeling a lump form in my throat.

I added, swallowing hard, I nodded and said, "Yes, we're here for (Y/N). How is she?" My voice wavered slightly, betraying the anxiety coursing through me.

The doctor's hand reached up and gently pulled down his mask, revealing a face etched with exhaustion and concern. He inhaled deeply, his chest rising and falling heavily with the weight of what he was about to say. The room fell silent, the gravity of the moment hanging thick in the air as we awaited his next words.

The doctor's expression remained somber as he delivered the update. "I regret to inform you that (Y/N) remains in critical condition,"

He began, his tone steady but filled with concern. "The bullet penetrated her heart, which, fortunately, was promptly addressed upon her arrival to the hospital. However, the severity of the injury leaves her condition quite precarious." His words hung in the air, each syllable weighted with the reality of (Y/N)'s situation.

The doctor continued with a measured tone, "Given the extent of the injury and the critical nature of (Y/N)'s condition, I must be transparent with you. Despite our best efforts, there's a significant risk that she may not survive."

He paused briefly, allowing the gravity of his words to sink in. "The bullet's trajectory has caused substantial damage, and while we're doing everything we can, there's still a chance that her body may not be able to overcome the trauma." The stark reality of (Y/N)'s precarious state hung heavily in the air, leaving us grappling with the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

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