Chapter Ten

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In a moment of vulnerability, I gathered the courage to unravel the truth behind my sudden disappearance. With a heavy heart, I began to recall what had happened, each word dripping with sorrow. I must confess, the reason for my sudden disappearance was a tragedy that befell my family. They were mercilessly taken from this world, their lives destroyed in an inhumane act of violence. 

I found myself at the lowest point of my existence. A mere child, I could not fathom the weight of my isolation nor comprehend how I would ever escape the clutches of my emptiness. I was forced to abandon the life I once knew, leaving behind a trail of heartache and sorrow. The weight of the pain I carried became too much to bear, compelling me to take off on a journey of healing and survival. With a heavy heart, I am well aware that Ron's parents insisted on taking me in.

In the darkest hours of my childhood, there existed a glimmer of wisdom within me. I find myself burdened by the weight of my existence. The mere thought of inconveniencing another soul fills my heart with sadness. I long to release myself from the constraints of this overwhelming guilt. I too was plagued by immaturity. The mere notion of adoption, or whatever it may be, inflicts a deep suffering on my soul. For no one, in all their generosity, could ever hope to fill the void left by the absence of my beloved parents. You may find yourself thinking, who was it that took me in? The answer, is Aimee Emmerich. She was the head of BLUE, a prestigious school known for brilliant detectives. Aimee had dedicated her entire life to educating aspiring detectives.

Aimee was familiar with my mom. She expressed concern that my mother would feel let down by her if she did nothing to help in the situation I am in. When both of our mothers were in high school, they were good friends with Ron's mother. That is the reason why Ron's mom would come to see me every once in a while. 

I have provided Ron with all of the details that he need about my disappearance. That was the only thing; I didn't explain to him the reasons and circumstances around my unexpected reappearance in his life. I am aware that he has every right to be aware of it in addition to the history of my family.

"So that's my story, Ron. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I thought you wouldn't remember me and it wouldn't matter anymore."

"What do you mean it wouldn't matter anymore? You, my dear, were the embodiment of that love - my first love. But little did I know, you were not just a mere chapter in my life, but the trigger that ignited a burning passion within me. As the years passed, our paths separated and life took us on separate journeys. Yet, the flame you ignited within me continued to light up, guiding me towards a destiny I had never envisioned. It was through the twists and turns of fate that I found myself drawn towards the world of crime and mystery. The allure of unraveling secrets, piecing together puzzles, and seeking justice became an irresistible In the depths of my being, a primal instinct courses through my veins. It is an undeniable connection, an unbreakable bond that compels me to embark on a relentless pursuit. I must say, the search for you was unlike any other case I had encountered. But, this was just the beginning of my journey. The challenges ahead seemed insurmountable, but that didn't mean I would give up. No, I was determined to face them head-on"

I'm relieved that I was able to get it off my chest. I was unaware that my actions had such an effect on Ron.

The weeks continued to pass, and throughout that time he never stopped working cases with Toto. I took advantage of their absence to make my way to meet Winter. At the end of each and every interaction I had with Winter, Mylo would constantly order that I murder someone. Making an effort to frighten Toto and Ron with the growing number of fatalities that have occurred inside the crime scene. I am aware that Aimee did not want for me to become this person, nor did she teach me to be this way. But I had no option but to carry out Mylo's orders since he is in possession of something that belonged to my family and he has knowledge of the person who was responsible for the deaths of my family.

My last assignment was to murder Ron. I obeyed Mylo's command to eliminate someone from the murder scene because I knew that if I disobeyed him, he would turn on Ron and kill him, personally. If I disobeyed him, Ron would be in danger. I put a lot of effort into contemplating this, but I simply couldn't bring myself to really do it. Now is the moment when I will vanish once again and deal with the consequences. Mylo has also stated that to go after Toto. My moral compass won't let me continue like this. It is urgent that I leave this place once and for all in order to break the cycle of deaths. If I keep in touch with them, then more unjustly individuals will be killed.

Before I leave Ron's place, I made sure to leave him a letter asking if he would still want to meet up with me. I went to a location where there were no other people. Because a skilled detective like him understood that I was responsible for all of those fatalities, I am certain that he will turn up. 

As I perched on the sturdy stump of a fallen tree, the sounds of the forest enveloping me, a familiar voice suddenly pierced through the air. It was a voice that resonated deep within me, instantly recognizable. 

As I turned around, there stood Ron, with a worry expression on his face, holding the paper I left for him. And to my surprise, he wasn't alone. Right beside him was Toto,


"I am sorry to have to let you down again so suddenly, but this time I will do my best to bid you farewell. Back then, I was unable to do this. I can't take this any longer-"

My heart pounding with anticipation, Ron suddenly appeared before me. The world seemed to slow down as he approached, his eyes filled with concern and the sparkles in his eyes wasn't there anymore. And then, in a moment that took my breath away, he opened his arms and pulled me into a tight embrace. 

"I never thought I would have to ask for someone to stay, but please, stay for me just this one last time."

A tear dropped, and "I really wanted to stay. However, the longer I remain, the greater the likelihood that something bad is going to happen."

"What do you mean?"

I managed to break out of the embrace. "Ron, I am sure you are aware that you may point the finger of blame at me for the rising number of deaths! And now I just don't have it in me to continue doing it. I did all in my power to be with you, but I have a responsibility for which I will never be able to forgive myself if I carry it out. And it is to put an end to you"

Ron stood there, his gaze fixated on the ground beneath his feet. The weight of the moment hung heavy in the air as silence enveloped the space. His lips remained sealed, refusing to utter a single word.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't be with you anymore. And if I put off my mission much longer, they'll start hunting for Toto. I was glad to hear the news that you made friends with. Because you will always have support, regardless of whether or not I make an appearance in your life. Because of what happened to my family, I wasn't able to have an opportunity like that, so knowing that helped put my mind at peace."

I looked at Toto, "I'm sorry."

As I stood there, the sound of whirring blades filled the air, growing louder and louder. Suddenly, a helicopter showed up from the distance, its bright lights piercing through the darkness. It hovered above me, its presence commanding my attention. It was a clear signal that the time had come for me to go. 

As I prepared to leave, my gaze instinctively shifted upwards, curiosity intriguing me to discover who awaited my arrival at the helicopter door. a flicker of movement caught my eye. I turned my head, my heart pounding in my chest, and there it was - a figure lurking , a sniper gun glinting in the moonlight. Time seemed to stand still as I realized the danger that lay before me for failing, Mylo. 

I didn't give it much thought since I don't want to make anybody frightened. But the thing that took me by surprise the most was the fact that when I turned to look at Ron once again, he was now standing directly in front of me.

I was able to sneak a peek behind Ron's ear and noticed Toto coming at us while yelling something. "(Y/N), leave now before Ron pressure's you to kill yourself, you just confessed the crimes you committed-"

When I went back to look at Ron, I saw that his eyes changed, as if they were absorbing me, 

"You said that, you would bend your will to my desires, right? People like you have no right to exist in this world. I am aware that you are equipped with weapons. Get it and put it to use to put an end to your own life."

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