Chapter Nine

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I was able to beat both Ron and Toto to the apartment. Just as I was about to leave the car, I reached into my pocket pulled out a knife, and placed it on Winter's throat.

He remained still and waited for me to remove the knife.

"Oh, weren't you contented giving me a heart-stopping experience while showing off your driving skills?!"

"That's for pointing a gun on my forehead, Winter. Karma is like that sassy friend who always knows how to serve up a good dose of payback."

I left the car and went straight to Ron's flat. Holy hell, that was a lot of work. After giving myself a shower, I went straight to sleep.

A few hours passed, and I suddenly woke up to the sound of a door being unlocked. I guess Ron's home early, huh? I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.

"Welcome home, how was the murder case?"

"Oh, nothing at all, it was quite the interesting day. What about you—during the time that we were gone, what were you up to?"

"Nothing. I just counted the dust from the ceiling." I responded as we both looked up.

As I observed Ron, it became apparent that he was playing it safe. There was an air of suspicion surrounding him, and I couldn't help but sense that it was directed towards me. He held onto the information tightly, never mentioning the unfortunate events that had occurred.

"By the way, were you able to confirm if this case is any way related or linked to me?" A follow up question to ease the thick air.

"Hmm, can you tell me what do you know about your family and how they were murdered, instead?"

"You see, I come from a long line of distinguished individuals known as the Spade family. And within this lineage, there exists a remarkable figure named Sam, who happens to be my great great grandfather. Back in my childhood days, there was a time when letters would frequently arrive at our doorstep, bearing pleas for help from various individuals. It was a regular occurrence for my family to be called upon for help. I was born into a family that had high hopes for me. My parents, in particular, were determined to provide me with a normal life. They believed that a normal childhood would pave the way for a successful and fulfilling future. From the very beginning, their intentions were clear. They allowed me to make friends despite our family background. I love being able to play with other children. It's always so much fun to run around and explore together."

Ron smirked. "Can you expound on 'other children' if you can recall them?"

"Before my family was murdered, we lived in a small, peaceful town. Our days were filled with laughter, love, and the simple joys of life. I remember the warm sunlight streaming through the windows, casting a golden glow on our cozy home. We would gather around and I always found myself outside, enjoying the warm sunshine on a beautiful day with them. As I looked around, I noticed my neighbor, who happened to be outside as well. A smile spread across my face as I realized that this was the perfect opportunity to have some fun and make friends. Without hesitation, this kid always treated me with kindness, and it seemed like he enjoyed playing mind tricks on me from time to time. I remember the day he said it; He looked at me with a determined expression, his eyes filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation. 'It will help us grow stronger,' he said, his voice filled with conviction. In that moment, I remember the day he made that promise to me. We would spend hours together, exploring the world around us, imagining all the adventures we would have when we were older. And in the midst of our laughter and whispers, he looked into my eyes and said those words that would forever be etched in my heart. He promised me that when we grow up, he will look for me."

"Is he your only friend? I feel like he's not the only one. Care to tell me more, (Y/N)?"

As I observed him closely, I couldn't help but notice a flicker of recognition in his eyes. It was as if a long-lost memory was slowly resurfacing in his mind. The lines on his forehead deepened, indicating a struggle to recall something significant. I could sense his confusion, his desperate attempt to piece together the fragments of a forgotten past.

"There was this one particular kid, and I will never forget him. Just like the other kid, we would spend a lot of time together. I must admit, he was my first love. He was the type of kid who would always come to my rescue whenever I found myself struggling to remember where I had left my beloved toys. It seemed like he had a sixth sense for my forgetfulness, always appearing just when I needed them the most. With his eager eyes and helpful demeanor, he would patiently listen to my frantic explanations of how I had misplaced my toys yet again. Without hesitation, he would spring into action, determined to solve the mystery of the missing toys. Together, we would set out on a quest throughout the house, searching high and low, turning every nook and cranny upside down. As the days went by, our parents began to notice a change between us. They observed how we were growing closer with each passing day. I remember the days when my parents and his family were well acquainted. It was a small town, where everyone knew each other, and our families were no exception. The bond between our households was strong, and we often found ourselves crossing paths at community events or gatherings. It was a comforting feeling, knowing that there was a familiar face wherever we went. This child approached me with a confident smile and shared a heartfelt declaration. He expressed his lifelong commitment, assuring me that even in the face of a crumbling world, he would seek me out and ask for my hand in marriage.  It was a time when innocence and curiosity filled the air, and the world seemed like a magical place. I remember it like it was yesterday. We were just children, unaware of the complexities of feelings."

Ron approached me. "I know that you are able to recall it quite well, but you just refuse to say it. Do you remember when I told you that I had a friend who disappeared without a trace when I turned six years old, and you asked me if I knew her whereabouts?

I nodded.

"Yes, I know her whereabouts and I can tell you where."

To my surprise, Ron's movements were lightning fast as he closed the distance between us. In an instant, he had pinned both of my hands, leaving me unable to move. My heart raced as his lips met mine in a passionate kiss.

I felt a sudden halt in his movements as he turned his attention towards me. His eyes locked onto mine, piercing through the silence with an intensity that sent chills down my spine. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us in that moment.

"Thank you for letting me confirm it (Y/N)."

"How did you know..."

I couldn't help but wonder how he knew. The question hung in the air, leaving me curious and slightly uneasy. It was as if he had somehow tapped into my thoughts, uncovering a secret that I had kept hidden.

I stood up, my heart pounding in my chest, as I mustered up the courage to speak. My wrists finally freed from Ron's grasp, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. It was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. But just as I began to gather my thoughts, Ron moved swiftly behind me, wrapping me in a warm embrace.

His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him, while his chin found a comfortable resting place on my shoulder. In that moment, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and familiarity, as if I was being shielded from the world.

As I felt the gentle touch of his fingers, he carefully brushed aside the strands of hair that had fallen across my neck. With a tender gesture, he leaned in closer and pressed his lips against my skin, planting a soft and affectionate kiss.

I could still hear his voice, barely a whisper, as he spoke those words.

"How can I ever forget my first love and my first kiss?"

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