To my little Anastasius

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To my little Anastasius,

Your a really active baby constantly moving and kicking, it's really comforting. You're kicks are strong and constant, a reminder of why I have made this decision. I've been seeing spirit's flying around more often now, I have twenty following me everywhere I go. Keep in mind only ten followed me before It's double the amount. Now let me teach you something about the spirit's, baby they are not human. They may be kind, extremely dedicated and loving but they are not human. They will give you anything you want even the things that are not good for you. They do not understand human emotion, their love is not the same as ours, neither is their kindness. Their love is destructive and oppressive, they will shower you with blessing and will constantly stalk you. Baby just like me you will seize to be human does who are beloved by the spirit's lose a little of their humanity.

Mix that together with my excessively reckles behavior. You get a child that can't comprehend human intentions. The only safe human interaction I had growing up was my Athan. My father, your grandsire is a mercenary, and he raised me until Athan bought me as a slave. So everything I knew of the world up to that point came from a mercenary and the spirit's intervention. I learned from them how to interact with the world around me, how to make sense of my dreams. But how to be human that was what Athan taught me, he taught me how to love like a human.

I don't want you to end like that, which is why I begged Athanasius to raise you.  Nesta does not make deals with spirits meaning you would have been cut out from half of yourself. It's annoying really, I conceived you as a last selfish wish. As a show of love to both you and my beloved Athan.  You are the proof of my selfless love, to leave something behind for my most beloved one.  So baby know this you are my greatest blessing, I want you to remain as human as you can for as long as posible. Because baby their influence is far stronger than many admit. Remember this.

with love your mother,

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