To my dearest son

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To my dearest son,

If you are reading this letter it means, I did not survive and sadly he migth blame you for my demice. But please child, know your mother loves you very much and I shall do everything in my power to make sure you will be given the chance to grow. The choices I took led me to this end that you should know, my time was short my life was ending. Due to my nature he will not allowed me to leave as I could not abandon him. Oh loveIy child you were concieved with love that is true I decided to give my remaining time to you the child that was conceived with the only one who touched my heart. There were many things I wanted to tell you, but sadly I do not possessed the time, remember my baby if there was ever a time where you were in mortal danger, scream at the top of your lungs with every fiber of your being. Let your voice be heard, let it flow in the air the result will surprise you. Please try and learn from him, you are the last piece of me he has, and such at my request that man will take you in and raise you. If he ever angers or scares you remenber this; speak with confidence and remind him that in the end I choose him and let the man fall. If you want something they won't allow you to have with a sweet voice demand for it and they shall give it to you. My sweet baby boy engrave this one thing into your body, mind and soul. Our voice is the greatest weapon we have, your voice and words will be your defense and ally both in life and in The court. Don't forget that you're actions must back up your words those two things combined will lead you far. I know you will grow to become a great man just like your father after all you were created from the seed of a king.

                                                      with my sincerest love you're             mother,

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