To my beloved Emperor

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To my beloved Emperor,

I have decided what to name the child, I thought it will be appropriate to name him after you. Well at least a name similar to yours, as away to connect you both. I never told you this, but I'll write it to you now. I know how much you love me and you know I'll always love you, even if with this actions you won't believe me. I wanted to give you a child, to carry your seed but in these empire that wish, will always be a dream. The people in this castle would kill me the moment they noticed what happened, you are practically their god. The benevoIant Emperor who killed the tyrant and restored the empires wealth and might. My beloved Athan the boy who would give me flowers and play with my hair. Athanasius the man who took my hearth and claimed it as his own, who branded my body to hold his mark, the man I loved and love more than anything in this world. I laid with a king that can't get sick, who's bloodline is know for living long lives. Compared to me, my child won't leave you because of sickness. He will get to love you for longer that I will get to. He may be seed of another man but in my heart you would be his papa, the one who will raise him, the one who will teach him everything that we need to know to live a long and happy life. I know you will hate him at first if I can't convince you otherwise but, I know once you get to know him you will love him. I know you well my beloved even if it just through these letters that I get to tell you how much you mean to me. So please don't hate me to much for dying, and please keep the child away from his father I dont want him to grow and don't know our believes and people. Athan don't let my death be your end, grief me, but don't let that consume you. This won't be a goodbye this is simply a see you later, maybe in our next life we can be together.

                                                                       sincerely with love
                                                                          your angel

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