To my beloved Emperor

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To my beloved Emperor,

My dear the days are getting harder and harder I see a war approaching the horizon. My dreams are becoming a constant presence during nigthtime. I'm sure you've noticed, I have seen that look of worry on your face. I am six month's along already and I'm feeling a strain in my legs. Spending more time with you has become an even greater blessing, the clock is ticking and before long a war will break out. VeIior is growing arrogant and it's king is ignorant, he has forgotten why this archipelago is considered an Empire.

My beloved I will live for five more months before death  claimes my soul as his. So I'm gonna milk this five months for as long as I can. I am happy that I get to be with my beloved people for longer.  Oh and I have decided that my son's name will be Anastasius. Please return safely and don't cause to much chaos on Nesta. Remember I choose to give my remaining time to you and not to who you call the thief.

                                                         I anxiously await your return
                                                         and with love,
                                                          your angel

To my beloved people Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt