40. The separation

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Author's POV

Vardhan looked at Kashish and walked towards her. " Kashish, my family isn't safe for you. You .... you should leave." said Vardhan and removed the mangalsutra from Kashish's neck. " You are free now from this marriage." said Vardhan. Kashish was looking at Vardhan with tears in her eyes. Ashwini came to Vardhan. " What are you doing, Vardhan? She is your wife. " said Ashwini, " Maa, I think we are not made for each other. Let her go. It is good for her only. " said Vardhan. Ashwini looked at Kashish thinking that she would be able to stop her, but Kashish had already started to walk towards the gate. 

" Kashish. " said Digvijay ji came to Kashish and held her hand. " Take me with you. " said Digvijay ji, " Come Dadu. " said Kashish. Kashish and Digvijay ji sat down in the car and Kashish drove the car from there. Vardhan fell down on the floor while crying. " Kashish. " shouted Vardhan and broke into tears. Everyone was emotional seeing Kashish and Vardhan separated. Kashish was driving. Digvijay ji looked at her. " Where are we going? " asked Digvijay ji, " Banaras. That is the only place that can give me peace. " replied Kashish. Kashish drove towards the highway. Digvijay ji was just sitting and didn't want to say anything. 

2 months later, Vardhan had changed completely. He had become heartless and won the elections. He had killed Jairaj after torturing him for almost 2 months. Preeti and Rohan had got engaged. Vardhan was sitting in the study and reading a file. " Bhai sa. " said Nitya while coming inside. Vardhan looked at Nitya. But he didn't smile. " How are you, Nitya? " asked Vardhan, " I am fine, Bhai sa. " said Nitya and hugged Vardhan. Ekansh came inside. " Hi bro. " said Ekansh. Vardhan and Ekansh shared a hug. 

Then they came out and saw Ashwini sitting and having food. She looked at them. " Oh god. Why are you late? Come. Let's have food. " said Ashwini. Then they all sat down and had food. Ashwini had missed Kashish everyday for the last 2 months. But she didn't say anything to Vardhan. She knew that Vardhan missed Kashish a lot but he never confessed it in front of anyone. Even though, every night he used to miss her. Vardhan finished the food and then left from there. Sikander was with him. " Thakur sa, how are you?" asked Sikander, " I am fine, Sikki. " replied Vardhan. Sikander looked at Vardhan through the rear view mirror. " Okay. " said Sikander and then drove the car towards the minister's office. 

Banaras, Assi ghat, Kashish came inside her home with a box. " Dadu. " said Kashish. Digvijay ji came out of the temple area. " What is it, Kashish? " asked Digvijay ji, " Here. Your sweets but have only a few because you have a sugar problem. " said Kashish, " Okay Kashish. " said Digvijay ji and took the sweet box. Suddenly Kashish felt like vomiting. She ran inside the washroom and then started to vomit. Digvijay ji got worried. " Kashish, are you okay? " asked Digvijay ji while coming inside the washroom. Kashish cleaned her face and cleaned her mouth. 

Then she looked at Kashish. " I am fine, Dadu. " said Kashish, " Are you sure? " asked Digvijay ji, " Yeah. " said Kashish, " I think you should go and get a check-up. " said Digvijay ji, " Okay Dadu. " said Kashish. Then she came out and sat down. She picked her phone and started to see something. When she saw the news. 

Vardhan Singh Thakur won the elections.

Kashish moved her hand on Vardhan's photo. " I love you Vardhan. Whatever you did was for my safety but I still love you and care for you. " said Kashish. Kashish then closed her phone and then went upstairs. She lay on the bed and then slept. She was very tired. At night Kashish woke up. She looked at the time. She almost slept for 6 hours. " Oh god what has happened to me. I slept for 6 hours. Dadu must be worried. " said Kashish. Kashish got up but then she felt drizzy. " Oh my head. " said Kashish when Digvijay ji came inside. 

" Kashish, are you okay? " asked Digvijay ji. Kashish looked at him. " I don't know. I just woke up and now I am feeling dizzy. " said Kashish, " I am right. I think you should do a medical check up. " said Digvijay ji. Kashish picked the glass of water and had it. " Don't worry. I will get the check up done in the morning. " said Kashish. " Okay. I will get the food for you. " said Digvijay ji and then went from there. 

Kashish lay on the bed and looked outside at the window where the moon was shining. " Vardhan. " said Kashish. At Thakur haveli, Vardhan was standing and looking at the moon and smiling. " Only this moon reminds me of you Kashish. I love you but all because of my father we are separated. " said Vardhan. Vardhan had a sip of wine from the wine glass that was in his hand at that time. The next day, Kashish was sitting in the hospital. She was still feeling drizzy. " Mrs Thakur." said a nurse. 

Kashish looked at her. " Yeah, that's me. " said Kashish and got up. " Come, the doctor is calling you inside." said that nurse. Kashish got up and came inside the cabin of the doctor. " Good morning Mrs Thakur." said the doctor, " Hello doctor. Actually I have been feeling vomitish and drizzy. Do you know what it could be?" asked Kashish. The doctor smiled. " Mrs Thakur, this could be symptoms of pregnancy also. Did you do the pregnancy test?" asked asked the doctor. Kashish moved her head. 

" N ... no." replied Kashish. The doctor picked a pregnancy test kit. " I think you should check it. Go, there is the washroom." replied the doctor. Kashish took that pregnancy test kit and then went inside the washroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. " I think I should check it." said Kashish. 

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