11. Meera's evil intentions

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Author's POV

Meera was sitting in the Thakur haveli. She was drinking coffee. Reena was with her. Reena looked at her " Meera, what is your plan? Your plan failed of pushing Kashish down the stairs. " said Reena. Meera looked at her. " Chill aunty. If one of my plans fails, I have 100s waiting to destroy Kashish. " said Meera. Reena kept her cup down on the table.

" Listen, Kashish is joining her duty as an IPS tomorrow. How about we make her get late on the first day? As far as I know, an officer shouldn't be late especially on the first day of duty. " said Reena. Meera smiled. " Yeah, that is not bad. It is very stupid like you. " said Meera.

Reena got angry but didn't say anything as she needed Meera's help to destroy the Thakur family. " Okay. But what are you going to do? " asked Reena. Meera looked at Reena. " Trust my plan. " said Meera and got up and then went from there. Downstairs in the kitchen, Ashwini and Preeti were making lunch and deciding what they would make for dinner.

When Meera came there. Preeti looked at Meera. " Hi Meera." said Preeti. Meera looked at her. " Hi Preeti. So lunch is getting ready." said Meera. " Yeah." said Preeti while mixing the kheer. Meera stood with Preeti. " Can I help you?" asked Meera, " Yeah just stur the kheer. I will cut the onion and tomato." said Preeti and gave the mixing spoon to Meera. " Thanks." she said while taking the spoon.

Preeti then picked the knife, onion and tomato and started to cut the them. She got busy with the cutting thing and Ashwini was busy making the paneer. Meera looked at them and smiled. Meera got an evil smile on her face. She took out a bottle of salt and opened it. She put the whole bottle inside. " Now this sweet will soon turn into sour." said Meera. Meera then walked out of the kitchen. Preeti saw that Meera had left.

" What kind of girl is she? If she didn't want to complete the work then why did she offer to work." said Preeti. Preeti then took care of the kheer and the cutting work together. When Nandani came there. " Aunty." said Nandani. Ashwini looked at her. " Yes Nandani." said Ashwini. Nandani came to her. " Can I help you with cooking? " asked Nadani, " Actually we have made the lunch. But dinner, you will make it for us. You can take Nitya and Preeti's help." said Ashwini, " Okay. Thanks aunty." said Nandani.

Ashwini smiled. At the lunch table, everyone was sitting.They all were having the food. Preeti looked at everyone. " I made kheer for everyone." said Preeti. Nitya smiled. " Wow, so now we all will have it." said Nitya, " I will get it." said Preeti and then went to the kitchen. Meera looked at Reena. " Don't have the kheer." said Meera, " But why? My daughter made it." said Reena, " Just do as I say." said Meera, " Okay." said Reena.

Preeti got the kheer and gave it to everyone. She came to Reena. " No Preeti, not today." said Reena, " Okay Maa." said Preeti. Preeti kept a bowl in front of Meera and then sat down with her bowl. Everyone had a bite and loved it. " Wow, this is so nice." said Jairaj, " Yeah. The best kheer ever." said Ekansh. But Nandani was looking at Kashish and Kashish was looking at Nitya and smiling.

Meera was confused. " How can this be? I put the whole bottle full of salt in it?" said Meera in her mind. She picked the kheer from the bowl in front of her. " Oh no, this is so awful." said Meera. Everyone looked at her. " What are you saying, meera? It is so nice. Right Bhabhi sa?" asked Nitya, " Yeah Meera. If you don't like the kheer then it is okay, but don't insult someone like this." said Kashish, " But this is really bad." said Meera, " Shut up Meera. If you hate kheer then don't have it. " said Vardhan.

Meera then went from there. After some time, Kashish, Nitya and Nandani were sitting on the balcony. Nandani looked at Kashish. " Kashish, I know you made the kheer." said Nandani. Kashish moved her head. " Yeah because." replied Nitya. Flashback, Nitya had seen Meera putting the salt in the kheer. " Oh god. What did she do? " said Nitya. When Ashwini and Preeti finished the cooking. Nitya came to the kitchen and had some kheer.

" Oh god. She mixed salt in it. The whole kheer is now a waste. " said Nitya. When Kashish came inside to take water. Nitya looked at Kashish. " Bhabhi sa, that Meera mixed salt in Preeti's kheer. " said Nitya. Kashish came to Nitya. She smelled the kheer. " Okay Nitya. We have to make the kheer again. Quickly get the milk and rice. Put the rice in the water and let them set. " said Kashish, " Okay Bhabhi sa. " said Nitya.

Kashish took the milk and started to boil it. Then they quickly made the new kheer. Nitya looked at Kashish. " What should we do with this kheer? " asked Nitya, " Keep it. This Meera while taste of what she made. " said Kashish. Nitya smiled. Present time, Nandani smiled. " Kashish, you are really selfless." said Nandani, " Bhabhi sa. " said Preeti.

Kashish, Nitya and Nandani looked at her. They got up. Preeti came to Kashish and hugged her. " Thanks Bhabhi sa. " said Preeti, " Preeti no need for thanks. I did it for you. Not for getting appreciation for anyone. " said Kashish. Preeti looked at her.

" But still Bhabhi sa." said Preeti, " No problem. You are like my sister. Not just you, Nitya is also like my younger sister and for you both, I can do anything." said Kashish. Nitya and Preeti hugged Kashish. Nandani smiled. " You all are just like blood sisters. " said Nandani. Kashish looked at her and smiled. When Preeti looked at Nitya.

" Nitya Di, I have some news for you. " said Preeti. Everyone looked at her. " What is it? It must be some good news. " said Nitya, " Yeah it is. Neel along with his family has come to mix the marriage date. " said Preeti. Nitya was shocked. " Okay but is Ekansh also there? " asked Nitya. Preeti shook her head. " Yeah, he and Vardhan Bhai sa are sitting in the study and talking. " replied Preeti. Nitya shook her head.

Ashwini came there. " Come on Nitya. Neel and his family are waiting for you. " said Ashwini, " Okay Maa. " said Nitya. Nandani and Preeti went from there but Kashish and Nitya were standing there. Kashish looked at Nitya. " Nitya, are you okay? " asked Kashish. Nitya looked at Kashish and forced a smile on her face. " Yeah, I am fine. Don't worry, Bhabhi sa. " replied Nitya and then walked towards the gate when Kashish stopped her.

" Nitya, if you have feelings for someone else then you shouldn't stop them. " said Kashish. Nitya turned towards Kashish. " No Bhabhi sa, it is not like that. I choose to marry Neel on my own. And it is my own decision. " said Nitya and then walked out of the room. Kashish folded her arms.

" You can lie to yourself Nitya but not me. " said Kashish and then came out of the room. In the other room, Reena looked at Meera in anger. " How dare you try to hurt my daughter? " said Reena. Meera looked at her. " Shut up and stop shouting. " said Meera, " What? Do anything expect targeting my daughter. " said Reena and then went from there.

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