8: needy

13 1 0

Charlotte Sparks


Ashton and Maddie are posing in their garden, he's standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist and his hands are sitting on her baby belly. They're smiling and giggling together, giving me the best versions of themselves. They live together in a rather large house, I honestly thought they lived in an apartment. I have no idea how they can afford to live in an actual house if it's just the two of them and a baby on the way. 

"While you're here I thought i'd give you the list of dates I have for possible photoshoots with the baby. I don't want to make the decision, you have a life too" Maddie chuckles while passing me a sheet of paper. My eyes skim over it before I fold it and tuck it into my bag. 

"Thank you for coming by today,  Charlotte" Ashton grins at me. "I hope it was a good distraction from L-"

"Ash!" Maddie nudges him and he stops talking. 

"It's okay" I give them my best fake smile. "It has been a very good distraction from all of it".

"I'm so sorry, Char" Maddie gives me the same sympathetic smile that everyone has given me. "I-I was going to call you but I was scared you didn't want to hear from me".

"No, please don't apologise. I know you guys are closer with Luke, I didn't expect anyone to stop being friends with him just for me" I shrug. "Anyway, I do need to go now. I'll have a look at those dates and i'll let you know what works".

"Yes of course" Maddie grins before struggling to stand so she can walk me out.

"When will these photos be ready?" Ashton asks. 

"Oh, i'll have them done soon enough. I haven't done many jobs recently so you have all my attention" I chuckle. "I will be shooting the game this weekend though, i'll see you there Ash".

"Sick!" Ashton cheers as we stand at the door. 

We say goodbyes and I wish them luck with the birth before I walk away from their house. I swallow the lump in my throat, doing my best to hold back tears. I'm so tired of crying over him, I know deep down he doesn't deserve any of my tears. It feels like such a waste of time. But then as I look back to their house I realise i'm not crying because of Luke, i'm crying because of myself. Seeing them living in their own place with a baby on the way makes me feel so behind. Like i'm living my life wrong. I still live at home with my parents and have no plans for moving out anytime soon, my best friend is currently my cousin, and I don't have a partner. I never noticed how behind I am on life. The familiar feeling of wasting time creeps into my mind.

As I continue walking I get a reply from Dale telling me to come by his office another time. So I begin walking towards home instead of my work. Michaels car is parked in the driveway and I spot him sitting on the front porch with my dad, both of them are laughing at something on Michaels phone. I stand in front of them waiting until they notice my presence, but they never do. So I just clear my throat, making them both jump.

"Charlotte, when did you get here?" Dad frowns, a hand resting on his chest after being frightened.

"Just now" I chuckle. "What are you guys doing?"

"Well, Michael was just showing me some funny videos while he waited for you" Dad points to Michaels phone. I then see a video of fainting goats and dad begins laughing hard. 

"Funny" I chuckle. "Why were you waiting for me Michael?"

"I just wanted to hang out before practice" he shrugs. "Do you want to come to practice? You haven't been around, the boys have been asking about you".

"They have?" I raise an eyebrow, not believing him.

"A few of them" he shrugs, but I just cross my arms. "Do you want me to name them?" I still say nothing. "Okay so Junior, Will, Travis, and Hood have been asking".

"Hood? I thought you don't play on Calums team anymore?" He stands up and we walk inside, dad stays sitting outside on his own.

"I did, but we hang out with him after practice a lot. We're all still mates" he falls onto my bed dramatically while I shut my door. 

"Why is he asking about me?" I tilt my head but Michael just glares at me.

"You sound to curious about this cousin" he groans. "Please Charlotte, if you're going to like anyone after Luke, please just don't let it be Calum".

"Michael No!" I sit on the bed next to him, my laptop sitting between us so we can watch an episode of Love Island together. "I'm not interested in him, I just want to know why he's asking about me if he doesn't even know me".

"He's just a weird guy" Michael sighs as he sinks further into my cushions. "Now, no more Calum talk. It's Love Island time".

"Can I just ask one thing?" He groans while rolling his eyes before looking at me. "Can you put your phone on silent this time please?"

"Oh yea" he does as I say as the show starts playing. 

We watch Love Island for an hour before Michael leaves for practice. I decided to just stay home, i'm not in the mood to deal with other people. I just want to be on my own for a bit, and I need to edit the photos from today.  So I do just that, I lay on my bed with my laptop in my lap. Music is playing softly while I adjust the colours, and remove the random bug that flew across Maddies face. Then my phone buzzes, but I didn't let it bother me until it buzzed again.

From: c.hood
mikey said you'd be here

From: c.hood
you avoiding me char? 

I stare at my phone not believing what i'm seeing. Why is he bothered enough to message me? And why do I actually want to reply? 

To: c.hood
it's Charlotte to you

My heart begins to race as I watch the bubbles pop up letting me know he's typing. I catch myself smiling the same way I used to smile when I was waiting for responses from Luke. So I place my phone down and go back to editing the photos. It buzzes again and for a moment I act like it doesn't bother me, but then I give up and I just look at what he's said.

From: c.hood
you free friday night?

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