Phase 5: Before the Aftermath

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*Sound Effects*



In the middle of the dark night, the streets blaze up in flames

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

In the middle of the dark night, the streets blaze up in flames. The cars endlessly charade with their alarm systems, the animals wildly scream in terror, and the sky continues to be dyed in smoke. Amidst the chaos unfolding, two individuals are seen running through the streets, away from the flames—a brother and sister, to be exact.

"Hurry up! We gotta get away from here as fast as possible!" The girl yelled at her brother.

Then, the street behind them suddenly lightened up with flames, causing a few things to burn up like wildfire. Multiple projectiles were being shot at the two but were evaded due to their slow speed. However, it caused multiple things to burst into flames, including benches, signposts, and a few unlucky shops.

"I know!" He shouted in reply. "If only that person stops shooting grenades every minute!"

Right after saying that, he glanced behind to see a charged beam heading straight up into the sky.

"ELIS! TAKE COVER!" He shouted at her as the beam struck down at their position.




The duo were able to dodge the hit but had stopped their runaway due to the sheer pressure of the explosion.

"Shit, it hasn't been a while, and yet she is able to use that skill on us," the sister said as she called over to her brother. "Hey, you ok?"

"I'm fine," he answered. "You?"

"Don't mind me; I am fine. It is you that we have to worry about," she replied as she spotted the flames getting closer.

"Listen closely, Ryo. I want you to do something for me," she said to him as she pulled out something from her bag.

"Take this and follow the instructions that I told you earlier," she said as she handed him the item.

Ryo looked at the object she passed to him for a minute, "...Are you sure that this will work?"

"It will," she replied. "I have made the preparations for it to succeed."

"Ok," he told her while getting up. "What about you, Elis? Don't tell me that you're gonna keep her at bay."

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 09 ⏰

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