1 | Armless Wolf

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"You might want to lock me up and torture me for days. That's much more satisfying than just killing me off, right?" I shrug, flashing him the most devilish smile of mine.

He finally relaxes a bit. Getting fascinated by the very idea.

"Get her," he commands.

The two big guys with shotguns in their arms look at one another, almost losing their heads on why don't their stupid boss just blow me.

Just right after their first steps, bullets burst through the sky, blowing them off and scattering them into pieces across the floor.

"Che cazz—" Lupo turns around and frantically tries to shoot me, but his arm is sliced by a katana's long blade first.

His cut-off arm lay on the floor as his shiny gun flew squarely into my hand. Thank heavens for his screams of agony.

Haerin really knows how to do her job. God bless her.

I point the metallic shiny gun at his face.


And his blow-off.

Accelerate, accurate, and explosive. Just like an orgasm.


"You couldn't just let him survive a headshot, bear!" Hyein throws a thick newspaper straight into the chessboard. The chess pieces are all tossed away and some tumble off the coffee table.

"Hyein." Haerin kills Hyein with her sharp threatening eyes.

Of course she's mad since she's about to make the most tactical move to win my rook.

"Wow, wow. Chill there, Ace. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong!?" Hyein takes the thick newspaper back before throwing it at me but I easily catch it as though she's giving it to me.

"You blow his head off and he's still alive and that's fucking wrong!!" She snaps.

"He's an armless dude, Hyein. Now, just let us have rounds of chess in peace, will you?" Haerin retorts before politely sitting down and putting the pieces back into their squares.

"Seriously, Hyein. Who still reads newspapers nowadays?" I hand her the newspaper back. Politely.

"Shut up, asshole." She snatches it from me in the most aggressive way.

I take a seat on the leather couch in front of Haerin as Hyein slumps herself down beside me, suddenly being observant over what happened on the board.

Haerin moves her knight to the square, forking my king and rook. That's too impeccable. I'm going to down an exchange for trading rook over a knight.

"Just resign already, Minji." Hyein fires me up. Haerin laughs throatily like a rich person does.

"Too early. I'm not the type to give up easily. Unlike you."

Hyein lets out an offended 'hey' sound but just continues to watch us play until we are left with some pawns, my single knight and Haerin's powerful rook.

But then Haerin makes a mistake by letting me fork her rook and king. Worse, her king couldn't get my sneaky knight in return for giving her rook.

"Oh, fuck!" Haerin curses. Looking so stressed over the turning table.

"Guess who should resign now?" I grin smugly.

Haerin slaps her king too roughly, almost flying the king out of the board. I have a good time laughing my heart out with Hyein.

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