Part 9

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Himachal, India

I was walking along the road with Prabanjan because no one else wanted to come out in the cold weather. 

"So" He started, I turned to him, "I'll be honest. You have a really nice family"

"Minus Rolex and Renar and Arjun?" I chuckled, "Yeah. I guess. Your sister is nice"

I chuckled, as he muttered something about Aravind, "I can assure you that Aravind's a nice guy. He's very caring, he's kind and protective. Very possessive too. If you ask me, not like Santhanam" 

"Yeah. I guess so" He sighed, "Hey. You want to go to that cafe?"

"You serious?" I asked. 

"Yeah. It's not very far. It's called Wild Beans" 

--Few Minutes later

We walked into the cafe and boy have I never felt so home. The smell of my chocolate was all over the place. I almost instantly knew at this point that whoever this Parthiban was, he was Leo. 

"Prabanjan!" We heard a new voice. We turned. 

"Sid! What are you doing here?" Prabha asked him, as the 17 year old boy gave him a fist bump, "Ali this is Siddharth. Sid, this is Alicia" 

"Hi" He said with a grin. 

"Hi" I replied with a smile. 

"Also yeah came here to reset this place up. You don't-" He started. 

"No, no I heard. Where's Parthi Na?" Prabha asked. 

"He's out back. You want your regular hot chocolate right?" Sid asked. Prabanjan chuckled with a nod, "I've got no idea how to make it. Lemme go get Appa" 

"Appa?" I whisper yelled as he went out. 

"Yeah. I told you remember?" Prabha said. I nodded. 

"Lemme get started on the hot chocolate. I know the smell of my chocolate" I muttered, getting behind the counter, "Whoever this Parthiban is? Well he's not Parthiban it's definitely Leo" 

"You think so?" He asked. 

"Think so? I know so" I replied, pulling on the machine. 

"Ahem who are-" I heard my older brother's voice behind me, I turned around. And he just stood still. 

Leo's POV

Shit. Ok. Leo. Calm down. Now there is no way you're gonna trick her. She knows her chocolate. She knows you inside out. Sid's with you. What do you do? Italian does the trick, yeah. 

"Ciao sorella" I muttered with a roll in my eye. 

Hi sis

"Vedi, conosco mio fratello. L'ho capito nel momento in cui sono entrato, fratello." She chuckled, crossing her arms. 

See I know my brother. I knew the minute I walked in bro. 

"Senti, sto cercando di scappare da tutto. Ecco perché sono venuto qui. Poi è successo tutto questo..." I started.

Look I'm trying to get away from everything. That's why I came here. Then this whole thing happened-

"E hai sparato a 5 ragazzi con una mira precisa e poi il mondo intero ne è venuto a conoscenza e JD ha letto la notizia e siamo venuti qui. Sapevi chi stavi servendo per tutto questo tempo?" Ali said. 

And you shot 5 guys with precise aim and then the whole world came to know and JD read the news and we came here. Did you know who you were serving all this time? 

"Lui? E' il tuo ex, vero?" I replied, "Parla molto di te con sua sorella. La incontri? Lei è carina"

Him? Your ex, right? Talks about you a lot to his sister. You meet her? She's nice

"Sì. L'ho fatto. Aravind esce con lei. A proposito, anche lui è qui. Non vedo l'ora di incontrarti. Sai quanto Aarav ha pianto per te? Anche Josh. Pensavi davvero che saresti rimasto sotto copertura a lungo? Guarda, ho quasi trovato Renar. Ciò significa che ho quasi trovato Rolex. Non so cosa farai adesso. Ad essere sincero è stato uno shock pazzesco per me scoprire di avere un nipote di 17 anni, una nipote di 6 anni e una cognata" She started ranting, and Sid looked way more confused than he already was. 

Yeah. I did. Aravind's dating her. He's here too, by the way. Can't wait to meet you. Do you know how much Aarav has been crying for you? Josh too. You really thought you were gonna stay undercover for long? Look I almost found Renar. Which means I almost found Rolex. I don't know what you're going to do right now. To be honest was a mad shocker for me to find out about having a 17 year old nephew, 6 year old niece and a sister in law. 

"Ali. Calmati. Ciò creerà confusione per tutta la mia famiglia, ma glielo dirò se sei con me. Che ne dici?" I asked, "Per ora puoi semplicemente non chiamarmi Leo?" 

This is going to be confusing to my whole family, but I'll tell them if you're with me. What do you say? For now can you just not call me Leo?

"Anbu può venire?" She asked. I nodded. I spread my arms out for a hug and she jumped at it and hugged me tight, "Inoltre, rimarrò fedele al fratello"

Can Anbu come? Also, I'm sticking with bro

"Nice to see you too" I chuckled. 

"Nice to see you too, fratello" She said. 

"... Now that's over. What language was that?" Sid asked. 

"Italian" Ali replied. 

--- Next Day
Ali's POV

"So...?" I breathed once telling Sathya everything in one damn breath. 

"This is... well shocking is an understatement" She muttered. 

"So the Trichy drug burst...?" Sid muttered, turning to Anbu. He chuckled nervously, "You're cool"

"Really?" Anbu asked. I glared at him. 

"Stai zitto" I muttered. 

Shut up

"Scusa" Anbu mumbled.


And then... war pretty much broke out. And then in the end they came to a mutual agreement. Sathya wanted nothing to with Leo. Sid wanted everything to do with Leo. So, they basically made a mutual decision of splitting without a divorce and Leo agreed to move back to Italy with Sid. Few weeks later we tracked down Renar and Rolex, who were in Germany, surprisingly together and not down the radar. And then just when we thought everything was fine... 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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