Part 8

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Sitting in the edge of a pool with your daughter and watching your ex swim is normal. Right? What am I going on about, of course it isn't. Then why the fuck am I doing it? Because everyone else was here. But my eyes were only on him. Why. Why?!

"Ali?" I heard Aravind's voice. 

"Hmm?" I asked turning to him. 

"I need to talk" 


"I don't"

"You do. It's obvious. Kinda... way too obvious" He muttered, "Have... have you talked to Anbu recently?"

"It seems more or less like he's the one ignoring me" I replied. He raised his eyebrows.

"I can't seem to get why" He said sarcastically. 

I crossed my arms, "I'm not in love with Prabanjan, Aravind. That's that. Thanks for warning me though" 

"Sure" He sighed, as I left the room and went back upstairs to the pool. 

I'd just sat down when JD came into the room in a hurry, "I think I found him. I think I found Leo" 

I immediately stood up, "How? No, Where? No, wait kids go back downstairs"

"Ma" Aarav whined. I glared at him, and the three of them went downstairs. 

"Ok so I was just looking at the news okay, like Indian news and I stumbled upon a recent news, that a guy from Himachal shot five guys dead in his own cafe because they came in after closing time and threatened to kill his daughter and a female worker. He went through a trial and turned out those five were wanted gangsters, so he's innocent. Except, he claims to be a normal dude, but he had impeccable aim when shooting those gangsters. And there was also a blurry pic. I'm pretty sure I see my own face in it" He explained, handing me the phone. By now, everyone was standing around him. 

I looked at the pic. 

"That's my brother alright" I muttered. 

"Except one problem? That guy goes by Parthiban. He has a seven year old daughter, sixteen year old son, and a wife. He could just be another doppelgänger" JD said. 

"Guns. Cafe. Killing for loved ones. Shooting skills. Hiding out in a cold place. First person that comes to your mind?" I asked. 

"Leo" Adai muttered. 

I nodded, "Exactly. Worth looking at"

"Yeah. I agree" Anbu said, "What about that lead on Renar, though?" 

"I'll take care of that. If I come along, I'm pretty sure there will be tons of confusion" JD replied, "You guys go"

"No. I'll stay. You alone is not enough" Adai said. I shrugged. 

"I'll stay too" Y/N said. 

"I'll take Aravind, Anbu, Janani, and Suki" I said

"What about me?" Prabanjan asked. I mentally facepalmed as I forgot his existence. Aravind raised a brow at me. 

"Oh yeah- sorry. Yeah I definitely need your hel-" I added. 

"Oh my god! Wait a minute!" Prabanjan exclaimed, getting the phone from JD again "Jan you remember that cafe we went to often?"

"Yea- Oh Yeah! I knew I saw JD somewhereee! Parthi Anna- Oh God yeah!" Janani exclaimed. 

"Yes- JD you said his name was Parthiban right?" Prabanjan exclaimed. 

"Yeah..." JD muttered. 

"We already know your man. We can lead you straight to that cafe or his house" Prabanjan said, crossing his arms, grinning with pride. 

"Oh My God Prabanjan! I lo- Thank you so much!" I exclaimed as if I did not slip up on saying I love you to my ex in front of my whole damn family, "Flig-" 

"Still in Rome airport" Anbu said. I grinned. 

A Little Like Fate | Anbu X OC X Prabanjan | JD X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now