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I'd been in bed since this morning and I think classes were over given the time.

The door opened and I turned to see who had just entered.

"Hey." I sat up.

"Hey." She said softly, voice shaky. "I broke up with Theodore." She added.

"Aw, love. I'm so sorry." I stood up from the bed and went to engulf her in a hug.

"He told me everything." She pulled away sniffling. "He'd been cheating on me longer than I anticipated because he was outgrowing me and had a hard time saying anything." She said.

"That's so awful. I can't believe Theodore would do that to you." I caressed her cheeks, wiping away the mascara smudged tears from her face.

"He also told me about how you caught him last night. He says you were the reason he told me and if you hadn't caught him, he wouldn't have gotten the courage to." She told me.

I nodded, taking a deep breath. "I was going to tell you the second I found out, I'm so sorry for not telling you when I did. He begged me not to until today because he wanted to be the one to tell you and-"

"M, it's okay!" She cut me off. I gazed at her. "You're my best friend, but you're also Theodore's. I know what he said to you," she told me. "You're a good friend. That's what I admire most about you." She held both of my hands.

"Don't make me cry now." I grinned, hugging her again. "And I'm so sorry for what he did to you." She looked down at my wrist. "No, Pans, it's really okay. It wasn't on purpose." I assured her.

Later, Odeya, Daphne, Blaise, and Theodore came in to comfort Pansy as they'd heard what happened. We spent the day talking about each others feelings then played some board games to get our minds off of everything.

It was now night time, and I needed a shower. All of my shower supplies were in Mattheo's room.

I knocked on the door rather than entering it like I usually would.

No answer.

I sighed heavily, grabbing the knob and twisting it, letting myself in. He was near his desk, blowing smoke from a cigarette out of his mouth. So you heard me knock, fucker.

"I need to get some of my things." I mumbled, walking into the bathroom and grabbing everything I need.

"So that's it? You're done with me?" He scoffed.

"What?" I choked. "No! Why would you even think that?" I walked up to him, confused. He cocked his head, his expression hard and angry, and realization had set in.

I sighed. "I just decided to shower at my dorm tonight." I said and started to turn for the door.

"You are so full of shit, Margot." He muttered. I stopped, turned around, and set my things down. He pressed the glowing butt of the cigarette on his desk, indifferent about the burn mark it would leave.

"I'm full of shit?" I walked back up to him. "Look at you. Look in the fucking mirror and tell me you're not full of shit. Do you even recognize yourself?" I spat and looked up at his face.

He took his time with my words, staring down at me with those dark orbs and his bloodied up face. Then, he bent down to my level so our heads were the same height.

He leaned in, so close, I shuddered. For the first time in a long time, Mattheo scared me.

"I fought for you, Margot, and this is how you react." He whispered, his low voice filled with severity. His lips are mere inches away from mine, his eyes are so dark and consumed by my shadow that they look almost black and horrifying.

My heart was beating so fast, I think we could both hear it.

"I didn't ask you to fight for me." I muttered, holding his stare and not backing down.

"You really think I'm up your ass about everything? Do I suffocate you, Margot?" He asked me, and I took an accidental step back which he took one forward.

I instantly remembered what I had told him this morning, I said I couldn't breathe without him being up my ass about everything, but I didn't actually mean it...

I knew exactly what he wanted me to say. That I didn't mean it and that I'm sorry because I was angry and overwhelmed, but I didn't want to give him that.

"Yeah, I do." I swallowed.

I saw a flicker of surprise in his eyes and knew that I got him. He didn't even consider reading my mind to know if I was lying or not. I bit back my smirk, I didn't realize how much I'd enjoyed having power over Mattheo like I used to.

He then leaned into my ear, whispering. "Good, because as long as I'm around, you won't get to fucking breathe unless I let you."

My lips curled, and I didn't hide my amusement. He leaned back with his lips inches from mine again. "You think that's funny?" He growled, closing the centimeters of space between us, and trapped me on the wall.

I only smiled more, leaning into his lips, now centimeters away from touching. The only thing keeping them apart is the short breathing hitting them over and over.

"Get out." He spat.

I stilled, then jumped when he slammed his hand on the wall next to me. "Get out or I'll throw your ass out myself, Margot." He snarled at me.

The amusement on my face had been wiped right off and I stared into his cold eyes, wanting to say more, but stopped myself and picked up my things to leave.

I've never been more turned on.

I'm so angry at Margot yet I want to fuck her into oblivion at the same time.

My cock hardened in my pants the entire time we were arguing, and I can't tell if she noticed. If she had stayed a second longer, both of our clothes would be gone.

I love how tense she was with me being so close to her, contemplating if she should back out and apologize or stand her ground and fire back at me.

I also hate how she stood her ground and fired back at me. I haven't seen that side of Margot in a long time.

She always seems to surprise me when it comes to arguing. She's either going to be sweet and loving and understanding, or she'll be fierce and cold and heartless, that's what I love about her. She's become so unpredictable.

What she went through was traumatic, but it only made her stronger. So fucking strong.

Before she knocked on the door, I was thinking of her. Just the thought of her alone, makes me rock hard.

I fucking wish she was still here. I can't help but let my arrogance get in the way of us sometimes. What she said to me in the morning and getting upset at me for fighting, that shit hurt.

She is my weakness. But I won't allow her to get mad at me for fighting for her. That's not fair to me.

Nobody touches my girl. Not even Theodore Fucking Nott. I'll gladly murder one of my best friends for laying a finger on her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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