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Mattheo and I decided to invite everyone over and have a movie night since we still had a few days left before returning to Hogwarts.

Him and Theodore were making popcorn while Pansy and I were baking cookies.

Daphne and Odeya were setting up a film to watch and Blaise and Enzo were laying out board games for us to play for when we get bored.

Draco on the other hand was on other side of the kitchen, helping himself to the alcohol here.

He was already drinking out of a bottle of fire-whiskey and making his way to the couch when I stopped him. "Are you gonna drink all of that?" I asked with a pointed finger. "Yeah?" He proceeded to the couch.

Pansy and I shared a look. "Is he okay? He hasn't exactly been himself since his breakup with Isla." She glanced at him. "To be honest, I don't know anymore." I sighed.

"Hey Theodore, mind if we switch places for a bit?" I walked up to him and Mattheo.

"Not at all." He said and went to help Pansy roll cookie dough on the baking sheet.

"What's up?" He glanced at me while stirring some melting caramel for the popcorn. "Can you check on Draco for me? He doesn't look okay." I lowered my voice.

"Yeah sure. I'm sure it's just him being upset over his breakup with Isla and all." He gave me the spoon to take his place and walked over to Draco.

I watched intently as him and Draco exchanged words, Theo's expression suddenly changed and his face went cold. He stormed off outside and Draco continued drinking like it was nothing.

I blinked as that all happened so quickly.

The caramel was done melting and I let Theodore finish up that and the popcorn while I helped Pansy eat up a tub of left over cookie dough.

Theo came back in after a few minutes and Odeya and Daphne started the film. Merlin knows where Draco went, probably to drink some more, so we got comfortable on the couch.

Mattheo pulled me onto his lap as Enzo gave us all blankets. We had two different popcorn variations with snacks set out and a card game aside. The movie started and everyone got quiet.

His hands were wrapped around my waist while my head was rested back on his shoulder.

"Is Draco okay?" I whispered to him. "He's just taking his anger out on anyone but himself. He'll be fine though." He said.

"And are you okay?" I asked. "I'm okay. I just needed a smoke." He smirked. "Explains the smell of your breath." I smirked kissing him. "And yours is raw cookie dough. You taste good." He kissed me once more, one of his hands making their way to my inner thigh.

A loud cluttering sound came from the kitchen and we all turned our heads, Draco came in with a tray of shots, walking in zig-zags.

"Shots to this stupid war ending." He slapped the tray on the table and raised a shot glass in his hand. We all took a shot and toasted. Of course it's firewhiskey.

Draco started to stumble back but Mattheo caught him and made him stand upright, his hands holding onto his shirt collar.

"It's both of your guys' fault." Draco slurred and Mattheos face went cold again. "We're going outside." Theo spat through gritted teeth. Theo dragged Draco outside and the blinds all magically went closed.

"Um...let's just finish the movie." Odeya laughed awkwardly. She turned the movie back on and we went back to silence.

My mind wandered and wandered, who's fault for what? What did Mattheo do? Is this more than just Isla.

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