Ep 07

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Episode 7: School Trip Time 1st Period

The scene opened up in the old campus.

"Nagisa, did you figure out who's in your group yet?" Megu's voice can be heard.

The scene changes inside the classroom.

"My group?" Nagisa asked

"When you're all set, tell one of your class presidents- me or Isogai-kun." Megu said as he waved him goodbye before walking away. Nagisa stared in confusion.

"Did you forget?" Kayano approached him "Our class trip is next week!" Kayano said

"Honestly, who arranges a class trip this early in third year? I can't say I approve." Koro-sensei said.

The students from the main campus sweatdropped. Tanaka and Takada however started imagining things.

'That's heaven ~' Takada and Tanaka both thought.

They looked at him to see him all prepared and in a get-up already.

"You're totally into it!" Maehara shouted at their teacher "Geisha clothes?!" Mimura shouted "And they look good on him!" Okajima shouted as well.

"Not gonna lie, it does look good on him." Tsuchiya giggled.

"I wonder would your English teaxher look good at that?" Tanaka blushed and looked towards E Class who rolled their eyes.

Koro-sensei went back to normal as he scratched his cheeks that are red. "You saw right through me." He said "Yes, in fact, I can hardly wait to go on this trip with you."

Nagisa and Kayano just sweat dropped as they smiled at him.

'First we had exams, and now there's a class-trip. Even in the assassination classroom, our schedule is jam-packed with school events.'

Opening has been skipped

Episode 7: School Trip Time 1st Period

"And here I thought our schedule will be at least academic-free at some point." Kurahashi sighed. "I know right." Kimura frowns.

The scene moved to Class E seating on the ground and wearing their PE uniform while Karasuma stands in front of them.

"As you know, next week is our two-night school trip to Kyoto. And while I hate to ruin the excitement, let me remind you that you're still on duty." Karasuma said "You mean we'll be attempting assassinations there?" Okano asked " Precisely." Karasuma answered.

"Lol. After all, E-Class shouldn't have fun." Ren laughed

"You're wrong Ren." Asano whispered to his minio- friend "For them, this might be fun. They're assassins, after all."

Ren looked at E Class who looks excited 'He's right.'

"Kyoto is far larger and more complex that this school, and you'll be moving in groups that he'll be following." Koro-sensei was seen clinging on some large (I forgot what it's called) tower or some sort as E Class dropped their jaw. Then him eating in the roof as Okano, Okajima, and Sugaya sweat dropped.

Then Kyoto. It then switches to them with Koro-sensei who's disguised and someone targeting him. A sniper was shown.

"It's an ideal location for snipers, and the government has already arranged for sharpshooters to join you."

The scene went back to reality.

"Upon success, each person will share in the ten billion yen based on the degree of their contribution. Be sure to pick assassination-friendly tour routes."

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