Chapter 7: A Christmas Evening

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1 month later......
December 23, 2041
10:50 AM
Location: Supermarket, Nevada City

Ghost and lucia are at the supermarket to buy some groceries for the christmas party and lucia is still in her maid outfit.

Ghost :Why are you still wearing with that outfit

Lucia :I just got used to it, now no
questioning buy the things we needed
for christmas.

Ghost :Geez why the fuck are you
commanding me like your my boss or shit.

Lucia :I am your boss, in fact I am the one who do things back at the mansion.

Ghost :Yeah Yeah

They continue through the isle's for thier party, while walking through they pass by a jewelry shop and lucia stopped by and looking at something.

Lucia :(Looking at a set of jewelry)

Ghost :(Stops and looks back and checks on her) hey lucia what's the hold up hmmm?

Ghost looks at what she's looking at.

Ghost :You want a necklace?

Lucia :Ha?! Well it does look beautiful so buy me that ghost!

Ghost :No

Lucia :Heh!?

Ghost :Let's go we still got things to buy.

Ghost walks back to were they where, meanwhile lucia was a little sad about it but continues onward.

Ghost :(turns his eyes back at the shop) hmm....

2 days later.....
December 25, 2041
09:00 AM
Location: Mansion, Nevada Desert

They're both cooking food for the evening and ghost is here today and is not on work right now as he just took a day off.

Lucia :Why are you not on work anyway?

Ghost :My colleagues forced me to take a day off today just like the day when we were at the supermarket.

December 24, 2041
Location: Shooting Range Army Base, Nevada

Ghost is observing the soldiers doing some shooting as to practice their aim even though they never got a field mission like 10 years, while observing he was approached by a general and some soldiers.

General :Sir(salutes)

Soldier's :(Salutes)

Ghost :At ease

General & Soldier's :(Puts down arms)

Ghost :What business brings you here
general Overlord?

Overlord :Sir you should take a day off for tomorrow sir.

Ghost :Why? I've already took a day off yesterday why tomorrow too?

Overlord :Well you should just rest sir. Because it's christmas tomorrow.

Ghost :Nah I still need to work for the day even though I hate the paper's at

Soap, Dunn, A russian soldier and a robot suddenly approach.

Soap :Well you should spent time with lucia mate.

Russian Soldier (1) :Yeah you spent a lot of time with that maid of yours.

Ghost :When the fuck did you know about her nikolai??

Nikolai :From dunn of course.

Ghost :(looks at dunn) bruh

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