Part 3

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Anirudh's heart raced as he sprinted down the dimly lit corridor, covering the space between his and Jhanak's room in minutes.

The echo of the thud still reverberated in his ears as he approached her room, his mind playing the role of devil's advocate with aplomb – bringing up every possible worst-case scenario in a matter of seconds.

If something happened to her...

He pushed those thoughts aside as he pushed the door to her room with trembling hands. The room was dimly lit only by the moonlight filtering in through parted curtains, casting an eerie shadow across the wall. His heart pounded in his chest as he took in the scene before him – In one swift instant it felt as if the air was sucked out of his lungs

There she lay – pale and still, on the floor near her bed. Anirudh's breath caught in his throat as he rushed to her side, his mind reeling with the guilt that washed over him like a tidal wave.

He has been so wrapped up in the need to protect her, that he had not held back on the insults and harsh words he had dished out at her. And now, seeing her lying there, so vulnerable and alone, he couldn't help but feel the weight of his own actions pressing down on him.

"Jhanak" he called out, kneeling down beside her, "Jhanak, can you hear me?!" he asked, lightly tapping her cheek. When she did not move, her face seemingly even paler than it had been minutes ago, a cold dread settled in the pits of Anirudh's stomach.

Stupid, stupid, stupid – What was the need to insult her so badly?

Clenching his jaw, he scooped her up in his arms, cradling her close to his chest. Her body felt unnaturally still against his, her breathing shallow and uneven.

He had brought her home with the promise that he would ensure she finds her footing in life. He promised himself that he would ensure she finds her identity and becomes a person who'd command respect and awe wherever she goes so that one day she could confront her father, the dance maestro, for doing what he did to her mother.

As he looked down at her pale form, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had failed -  in the worst possible way. He didn't know if he would ever be able to forgive himself if anything –

You had no problem forgiving yourself when she tried to ki –


He had managed to silence the truth his conscience was screaming at him, which seemed like daggers to his chest, but try as he might he just could not quell the tide of disappointment that consumed his entirely.

He had failed her. He had done nothing to help her.

Mein iss Ghar ki maid hun - she had called herself a maid repeatedly. Even though he wanted to shout that she wasn't, even though he wanted to yell that was not why he had gotten her to Kolkata, he kept quiet.

Maybe he did that because every time he tried to speak up in support, he was shut down by her.

You should have tried harder.

Jhanak lightly stirred in his arms, and a wave of relief washed over him as he glanced down at her eyes fluttering open.

The breath he didn't realise he was holding came out in a huff as he subconsciously tightened his hold on her as he walked to the bed.

Starting now, he was going to try harder.  

In the proper way, his conscience added, and for the first time he did not shut it down.


Jhanak stirred awake, the world around her still hazy. She flailed her arms, reaching for balance in her disoriented haze of awakening.

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