Part 1

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DESCRIPTION - This short story continues from the episode where after knowing it was Jhanak who was Anirudh's attendant, the entire family insults her and Anirudh questions her who gave her the rights to do anything for him. This is intended to be RuNak SS and them finding their way to each other - at the moment the show is in now, the first few parts might be quite loaded in terms of drama, but this is a love story, so I will try to balance it out in the future parts.

Hope y'all enjoy!

******************Part 1**************
Anirudh stormed into his room, a relentless storm pounding at his head and it had nothing to do with his accident or recovery.

"Damn it" he muttered through grit teeth, his fists curling at his sides. He could not remember the last time he had been so angry - never in his 28 years of existence had he been so angry.

Then why is your heart so heavy?

Anirudh clenched his teeth in annoyance - there it was, that damned inner voice, and he had absolutely zero tolerance for it's bullshit now.

Take a look at yourself, Anirudh Bose

Like an idiot that he was, he listened to it and lifted his eyes to glance at his reflection in the mirror.

Thats right, tears...

His eyes bore into his own reflection, as if imploring the inner voice to go on.

He waited.
Just silence.

Annoyed, he brushed away at his cheek which was,for some reason, marked by tears for he didn't know what

Yes, you do. It's because you were an asshole to the girl who saved your life.

Clenching his teeth, he grabbed his head, the pain getting worse with every passing minute. He should probably rest.


Sighing, he walked to his bed, deciding to ignore whoever it was. He didn't want to talk to anyone now.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Not now, please" he said monotonously as he sat down on the bed, propping his elbows on his knees and letting his head drop in the cradle of his palms. Sighing once more he closed his eyes, as if willing for the pain in his head to wash out all the memories.

And promptly it all came flooding back.


Saving her in Kashmir, risking everything for her. Bringing her home. Trying to do the best for her. Her running into danger willingly repeatedly, him trying to stop her only to be met by malice and insults. Meeting with an almost fatal accident. Her saving him. Him blaming her for doing that

Kisne haq Diya tumhe? He had thundered at her.

As the memories of their last few interactions came back, a sharp pain shot up his head, "ow" he winced, rubbing at the back of his head.

"Ani, what was that?" Choton's voice told him that he was standing near him, and was irked with him.

He didn't even open his eyes, "what was what, Choton?" He asked resignedly

"Anirudh" that was a warning.

At that, Ani's eyes flew open, he didn't know if Choton ever called him Anirudh. As far as he could remember he was always Ani.

Choton's eyes were drawn together as he was looking down at Anirudh in disapproval.

Ani could see that Choton was annoyed, and never had his uncle admonished him before - they had always shared a deeper bond that ran above being just uncle and nephew and Choton was the person Anirudh went to when he needed someone to talk to. There was nothing he had not shared with Choton. Successes, failures, heartbreaks, crushes, challenges, difficulties, Choton knew everything

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