~°chapter 1°~

14 0 0

Meaning :

Example- normal storyline
"Example"- talking
Example - thinking

" order for y/n !? " My eyes jolt up from my phone screen as I hear my name being called -finally my food is  ready-   I stand up and make my way to the pickup counter "are you Y/N?" The male employee says looking me up and down I mentally curse myself for leaving my house with my pajamas and my pink bear slippers "yes I an" I say nervously hoping he isn't jugdeing me too hard " um OK..I just need your receipt please "  I nodded and search my pockets trying to feel the paper receipt -shit shit shit where is it  - I then realized it was no longer in my pocket I must have dropped it while standing up I turn my head to see a man right behind me looking ready to tap me on the shoulder , his hand backs away as he sees me I couldn't see his face because of his long jet black hair covering it , he had a white hoodie on along with a pair of black jeans he was pretty well built not too muscular and not too
plain "*cough*"  I hear the male employee say behind me ,  I then turn back to the employee " sorry I think I lost it Is there anyway I can prove I bought the food "   I say nervously laughing at myself , the employee then sighs and rolls his eyes "no am sorry please leave"  fuck I cant believe this is happening  oh well..."OK sorry I'll leave " I turn around ready to leave the food establishment when half way to the exit someone taps my shoulder , I stop in my steps and slowly turn around to see the hooded man holding out my stupid receipt , I then am about to grab it when a raspy muscular voice speaks "  it fell out when you stood up I tried to tell you earlier but I didn't want to seem weird ..." I give the man a small reassuring smile then taking the receipt  "  thanks I really grateful you found that , my name is Y/N " I grab a piece of paper from my pocket then writing my phone number " here we can get coffee sometime if your up for it ..um?" I realized he never told me his name " Jeff...my name is Jeff" I nod and wave goodbye

( 396 words yay ^o^ )

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