Chapter 2 - World Collision

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Before we begin, I'd like to say thank you to the people reading this shit show of a "book".

It means a lot to all 5 of us to have you onboard with us today.

Chapter 3 Contains minor information about the other worlds and introduces a new character. Pay close attention and you'll be rewarded.


"words out loud"



'The hell? I thought it was just us here?' Reika thought before quickly checking her HUD. Nothing came up. No scavengers nor demons were spotted.


The sound of someone colliding with the ground grabs The Queen's attention. She swiftly grips her forearm to pull out [Theorugia's Hand], ready to strike but stops after identifying the person.

"What are you doing here, Delta?" she asks. "Not much, just following you around. It gets boring this time of year. Especially with the stupid snow." Delta mocked.

"Did you hear the scraping noise?" Reika replied.

"No shit, that's why I followed you"

"My, I'm surprised you can speak without getting tagged out by the gods."

"...fuck you Reika"

"Oo~ That reminds me, I should visit my pet~"


"1 word. Evelynn."

Delta deadpans at Reika

"What the fuck?"

Hearing groaning, the duo stopped bickering and activated their HUDs to call backup. Anxiously waiting for the intruder, their fighting spirits were crushed as all that came out was Reika's 'dog' as Delta calls it. It resembled a smaller version of Cerbeus from those Greek Mythology scripts they read about in history class back then...where did those years go?

As the "dog" happily bounded towards them, a flare was fired in the distance where the human camp was. Alarmed, the newly formed trio rushed to aid their comrades (*soviet union theme intensifies*).

~Time Skip 30 minutes~

"OI! Bubble boy! Need some help?!" Delta shouts. A blue-haired man stops fighting for a brief moment hearing the annoying nickname before shouting "If you call me Bubble Boy again I'll Gamma Knife you through the head!".

[Satoru Ishikawa], a control user hailing from the pirate era, captain of the Celestial Pirates. He arrived on Eden-227 after an incident with a portal user when the Rift Fracture occurred having him to instead of being transmitted to the Dimensional Rift, getting teleported to Eden.

Delta's eyes narrowed, locking onto the enemy with a grin. With a nod to his comrades, he braced himself for the imminent clash.

The horde surged forward, a cacophony of shouts and battle cries filling the night. Without hesitation, Satoru leaped back into action, his Nodachi slicing through the air with swift, surgical precision. With each stroke, he created a whirlwind of chaos, carving a path through their adversaries with effortless grace.

Reika danced amidst the fray, her bladed arm a blur of deadly slashes and strikes. Red slashes are the only thing visible amongst the sea of dying scavengers. Her "dog", a snarling whirlwind of fur and fangs, tore through the enemy ranks with scarily savage efficiency, protecting its mistress with unwavering loyalty.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jun 20 ⏰

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