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*Talia's POV*

"No!" I scream, the energy releasing from my hand, pushing Hunter out of harms way. The feeling is surreal, and I can't wrap my head around it. I turn to where I know the bolt is coming from, but I can't avoid it as it burrows into my side.

I stumble from the pain, dropping my blaster as I try to figure out where to put my hands. "Talia!" A distant voice yells. I've been through this enough to know it's Hunter.

I fall backwards to the ground, it's getting harder to breathe. My side is hot, covered in the thick blood I know is coming from the wound. Hunter kneels beside me, the world is spinning. "Don't look, look at me," he states. My vision is darkening, as I fight to hold on.

I cry out in pain as I'm lifted, wheezing, fighting for air.


The last few days have been uneventful, and we've spent most of it lounging on the ship. My dreams have been plagued with the memories from that base, to the point where I can recite everything that happened perfectly. I try to change the outcome, every night, but I've had no success.

The dreams, however, made me realize what really happened down there, that important detail that seemed to just slip my mind. The power. I have no idea what it was, how I did it, or how to do it again.

Thankfully, nobody seemed to notice or remember. I've tried to sit and think about it, but it's been rough when my mind is filled with something else, or someone else. Hunter.

I grow annoyed just thinking about it. Those little thoughts in the back of my mind, the urge to stare at him any chance I get. The way my heart rate has been picking up as we make eye contact, and how I'm upset my wound is healing, because that means he soon won't have to change the bandaging every night.

It feels like the more I fight this silly little crush, the bigger it gets. It doesn't help that I catch him staring as well. Though, if we are being honest, he's probably just wondering why the hell I'm always looking at him, making me fight the urge more before I embarrass myself.

And yet, despite how hard I'm trying to drop these stupid little feelings, I can't help the anticipation and excitement I get when night rolls around, and it's time to change my bandage. Just us, his focus on me, the light brushing of his hands against my skin. It's terrible to be feeling this way, but I can't help it.

"Are you alright? You seem super out of it," Echo says from under the ship, tinkering on something once more. "Just being lazy," I brush off the question. I've spent most of my time with Echo, in comfortable silence as I think, occasionally handing him a tool as he works away.

We've all collectively ditched the armor the last few days, civilian clothing being much more comfortable. Tech landed us far from any local towns and villages, making this break even more boring. My eyes find Hunter and Crosshair, taking turns throwing their knives into a nearby tree, competing to see who can be more accurate.

I sigh as I watch, leaning against the ship and smiling unintentionally. Hunter smirks as he hits closer to the mark, jogging to the tree to retrieve the knives. "Let's switch to blasters, see how you do then," Crosshair remarks, crossing his arms over his chest.

Hunter pulls the knives from the trees, eyes meeting mine as he turns back to Crosshair, "what do you think Tiny, I'm just better?" Crosshair rolls his eyes, smirking slightly. "I don't know, you might be cheating," I joke, Crosshair agreeing immediately.

Hunter scoffs, turning to the tree to continue their little game. Echo pulls himself from under the ship, settling next to me to watch. We make an effort to cheer each time Crosshair happens to win, Hunter telling us we are rooting for the enemy.

The real fun starts when Wrecker joins their game, more competitive then either of the other boys. They continue into late afternoon, hooting and hollering as bets start being placed between the three.

"Who you betting on?" Hunter calls out to us. Tech glances up from his datapad, "statistically, Wrecker will be next to win." Echo scoffs, "my money's on Crosshair." I glance between the two, wide eyed. "Really? Hunter's won the most, my bets on him."

"It's settled then," Crosshair states, the three competitors determining who goes first for their final round. Crosshair goes, landing awfully close to the mark. Echo huffs with satisfaction. Hunter goes next, the bottom sliver of his knife touching the top of the mark. I grin, Echo instantly sighing with defeat.

Wrecker takes a deep breath, studying the destroyed tree before throwing his knife. It hits dead center. "No way!" I exclaim, Tech adjusting his glasses and smiling. "Haha oh yeah!" Wrecker yells, running to Tech and lifting him in a tight hug. Tech groans slightly, pushing Wrecker away as he sets him down.

Echo and I stand, promising to pay up by the end of the night. Crosshair has a slight frown on his face, it disappearing as Wrecker continues to run around and brag about his victory. Once he is done celebrating, we settle around for the night, eating and talking, mostly wishing for a new mission to keep us busy.

Everyone breaks away, one at a time to get some rest, until I'm the last one outside. I watch the sky change colors as the sun sets, finally pushing myself up to head in the ship. As I'm approaching the ramp, Hunter exits with a fresh bandage. "It's that time of day," I sigh, acting annoyed. My heart, however, has already started gaining speed, and feels like it's going to beat out of my chest.

"Sorry, Tiny. Good news is it's almost healed, we won't have to do this for much longer." I don't respond as I lift a bit of fabric, and he gets to work. It doesn't hurt anymore, and has gotten significantly smaller. I study his face as he concentrates, feeling the pink rise to my cheeks.

He works quickly, his body close to mine. He glances up to meet my eyes as he finishes, silence between us as we stare at each other. I shiver as the tips of his fingers brush my skin ever so gently.

My eyes dart to his lips against my will, licking my lips subconsciously. I twirl my fingers together between us, trying to release some of the anticipation I'm feeling as my eyes meet his once more, a mixture of emotions swirling in the sea of brown. His thumb rubs lightly on my waist, my breath hitching. "Hunter," I whisper, my fingers brushing the fabric on his chest as he leans closer.

His warm breath on my face makes my heart race faster, his eyes quickly darting down, then back up. He hums in response to me saying his name, the tiniest smirk playing at his lips. I instinctively close my eyes as his lips meet mine, moving slowly against mine as I gently grip the fabric of his shirt. His hand makes full contact with my waist, gently squeezing as he kisses me.

He pulls back after a moment, eyes meeting mine once more. My breathing is uneven, my mind racing as I process what just happened. His gaze searches mine, obviously trying to gauge what I'm thinking. I tighten my grip on his shirt, pulling him closer once more.

His lips crash onto mine once more, more aggressive than the previous kiss. His hand catches the ship next to my head as I stumble back, back rubbing the cold metal. His fingers dig lightly into my waist, him groaning slightly into the kiss.

He pulls back once more, both of us panting for air, resting his forehead gently against mine. I breath in his scent, his body pressed lightly against mine. I sigh as I finally regain my breath, my heart slowing to a semi-normal pace.

He pulls back farther, straighten himself and clearing his throat. "The others will be wondering where we are.." he trails off, smirking as he studies me. I nod softly in agreement, His hand gently guiding me back onto the ship, as I force myself to act like nothing happened.

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