Twenty Eight - In the Dark

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Saera did not think the first face she would see after being locked in her apartments would be Criston Cole's.

She had been locked in her room the entire morning, starving and angry. She cried like there was no tomorrow and then decided to paint to pass her time. She had no idea what could have happened that prompted her being locked up in her chambers.

Then as she painted a portrait of Jacaerys with demon horns on his head, the door to her chambers opened and in strutted Crsiton Cole with a plate of food. He set the plate down on her desk and stared at her.

She frowned. "Why is my door locked?" She asked instantly, dropping her paintbrush and wiping her hands on her linen apron. "You must trust me, princess." Criston strided across the room and kneeled before where Saera was seating, his eyes soft as he stared at her.

She frowned, confused at this interaction. "Why?" She asked.

"I only wish the best for you, Saera. Since the day you were born, since the day you were presented to court, I have only wanted the best for you." Criston assured her, which threw her further into confusion. Why was he here? Where was Elinda? Where was Allan? Where was Aemond? Why was the only person here him?

"What is going on? Where is everyone? Why was I locked in here?" Saera pressed as she stood up from her seat, moving away from Criston in a nervous manner.

"You must trust me, Saera. Something terrible has happened, but it is being dealt with. You must stay here for your safety..." he answered instantly, once more moving to approach her— though he stopped in his tracks when she lifted her hands up to keep him away.

"Why should I trust you?" She asked, her thoughts beginning to run rampant in her mind. Her emotions were getting the best of her, and she almost wanted to scream for help.

"You must trust me." Was the only thing Criston answered, which made her seeth.

"Why should I trust you?!" Saera shrieked, pacing across her parlor as her mind reeled with all sorts of wild possibilities. "You have done nothing but terrorize my family for years! I do not trust you! I would rather fling myself off this tower than trust you!" She was not sure she meant that.

"You are distressed," he said, "you must put your trust in me and everything shall be well."

"Why?!" Saera asked angrily. Why couldn't people speak plainly? Why did everyone lie?

"Because I am your father, Saera. And I wish for you to be okay, more than I wish for anything else. Your safety is my number one priority." She blinked at him for seconds on end, her face entirely stoic as her mind tried to process his words. Father.

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