A Lost Commander and A Captain

Start from the beginning

“Oh god, Cody” 

A hand on Ahsoka’s shoulder had her looking back to see a half-frowning Anakin as the camera turned to his captain…

The Video

“Tell me, Captain. The answer to this question otherwise you meet the same fate as your so-called brother over there” 

Rex looked up only to see several individuals holding Cody down as they did something to his body, the commander never uttered a word even muffled his screams as where his arm was treated and he was stabbed with all things. 

“I will never tell you anything” Rex said in a determined tone, the kidnapper could only smirk. 

“Bring the commander over here so he is directly in front of the camera” 

Rex glared at the man as Cody was dragged from the table he had been forced on, he now had a metal arm attached to his body, the marshall commander of the 212th ghost company was blinking as he tried to stay awake. He mostly definitely woke when his head was yanked back to expose his neck, he still didn’t say anything or give in to his interrogators. 

“Oh, this is a tough one. Let me guess, he’s your big brother?” 

Rex flinched slightly especially when a sharp blade was pulled out of nowhere and placed against Cody’s neck just where his vocal cords were. Rex watched as their kidnapper wrapped a tight chain around Cody's neck and strangled him. 

“No! Let him go!” Rex cried out watching as Cody struggled to even breathe, the commander glaring still with his eyes. 

“Oh, this one in feisty” A kidnapper laughed as Rex struggled in his chains only to have front row seats to his brother’s almost death, “Relax, I’m not going to kill him unless you tell me what I want to know”.


“Wrong answer” 

Rex could only cry out when Cody found the chain gone from around his neck before the blade slit his neck and he scrambled to cover it with his hand as his body slumped forward. 

“CODY!” Rex couldn't help but scream his brother's name as the kidnappers left. As soon as the door shut, the chains fell away from their bodies. Rex scrambled over to his older brother who remained in the trance he was. 

“Cody, wake up. Please I’m sorry, I don’t know why they wanted your name but I didn’t…”

“Shhh, Rex….it’s fine….I know…these….their part of the….dark….Hutts…..I was investigating…them with Fox……there after….Gen….Skywalker….something to do…with….orders……” Cody stopped himself violently coughing as Rex looked around for something to cover Cody’s neck when a medical kit was thrown into the cell followed by laughter. Rex didn’t care, he opened it and performed first aid on his older brother. Cody smiled at him especially as Rex cursed Kix for not showing him certain things. 

“Hey Rex’ika, it’s okay…we will be okay” 

Rex looked up, even though Cody was in pain, the commander was still comforting his brother. 

“I know we will, now hold still this is going to hurt” 

Cody only winked as Rex held a wipe to his brother's neck, the man held tightly to Rex’s armour to prevent himself from screamed as the bacta cleaned his wound. 

“No talking for now on, you might lose your…” 

An explosion from outside of the cell had Cody and Rex stumbling to their feet. Rex found himself shoved behind Cody who lifted his metal arm up to his face, he grimaced but continued to look on with determination.

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