The pain increased as he moved his hand. It couldn't be broken. Right?

There were a few scraps on his arms and blood. There was also so much dirt. His arm didn't look broken. Maybe twisted. But it wasn't a problem.

The problem was now, there were blood stains on his clothes. And dirt. Well, he was going to get in trouble for this. That was sure. He hoped his punishment wasn't as bad as last time.


A young boy started out of the little window. It was dark. The only thing that lit the room were the little lights that came out of the window.

He didn't know what they were.

But they were pretty.

There were hundreds of them. No, maybe thousands. They were like little stars that floated through the night sky.

He spent lots of time thinking about what they could be. Were they fireflies? But they were large and shining. There was no way fireflies could be that big. Then they could be some floating flowers. He had seen flowers that could emit light before. But what were they doing in the sky? Maybe the people in there had lit some sort of light. Or maybe they were actually some stars.

This was the fourth time he had seen them.

He didn't know how long he had been trapped here. But those little lights he could see from his little window were the only thing that brought him some hope.

Maybe one day he will be able to go and see them. Not only a tiny window. Just in real life. Then he could figure out what they were.

Yeah, one day.


"Just a little bit. Please, just a little.'

A six-year-old boy murmured to himself as he tried to reach the top shelf from the stool on which he was standing on tiptoes.


Finally, he was able to touch the box. Now he needed to get it down safely.


Suddenly, he lost balance. But he didn't want to let the box go. In the next moment, both the boy and the box landed on the floor with a loud thud.

'Oh! It's hurting!"

He rubbed his aching arms as they took the painful impact of landing. Then his eyes landed on the box on the ground. Now its lid opened, and the delicious goodies spread out on the floor.


The boy's eyes lit up with happiness as he finally took one and showed it to his mouth. So delicious. He hadn't eaten anything for the whole day. So, he was hungry. The cookies were the best.

"What are you doing here?"

A loud voice echoed, making the boy jump. Then the room lit up, making him blink for a moment. He blinked several times and tried to adjust the sudden light.

When things became clear, he could make out the figure of an angry woman standing in front of him. Her eyes widened and her face was red with anger. He could imagine the steam coming out of her ears and nose.

Ops! Evil, which was here!

"You try to steal from my kitchen!"

The woman snarled at a little boy on the floor.

Painting the Sky (M×M)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें