𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧♥︎

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~𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐯𝐞𝐢𝐰
- We land just a short two hours later, one step closer to seeing G, the butterflies in my stomach are uncontrollable at this point. The team head out of the airport back onto another coach to drive us to the hotel, the hotels only an hour away from the airport so it's only a short journey, Less and I were just catching up the whole time. An hour later we touch down at the hotel, I completely forgot I couldn't just run over to Georgia and hug her, I have to pretend I ament in love with the girl, shit. We all grab our suit cases and walk in to the hotel to be welcomed by Georgia Kiera and Lucy. Georgia sees me and looks directly at me, she smiles and I smile back. She then looks to all the girls and shouts "Willkommen in Deutschland" we all look at her cluelessly she rolls her eyes and says "idiots, it means welcome to Germany" she then laughs, Leah walks over to Georgia and says "Danke, G" Georgia smiles while pulling Leah into a hug and says "see she gets it" to which we all laugh, everyone's hugging the three girls who we haven't seen for the past two months, once I get to Georgia I wrap my arms around her and she whispers into my ear "I've missed you" I smile at her and pull away and say "you've no idea G"
We all get checked into our rooms with our normal roommates, less looks at me and says "I think me and lots are gonna tell the girls tonight" Alessia and Lotte made it official while we were all at club, of course I was first to know. I look at her and say "oh my god Less that's huge, how are you feeling?" I know Alessia  gets nervous and hates everything being about her "I feel okay about it, I know lotte wants to tell everyone so we don't have to keep us a secret anymore around camp, Serena, Leah and Beth knows so I mean what could go wrong" I laugh and say "you might want to add Georgia to that list, I think she kind of figured it out last camp" alessia looks and me and laughs she then says "speaking of Georgia, how are you both?" "I mean I've only seen her for a minute or two in the past two months so as good as it could get right now, I'm really nervous to talk to her about everything though, I'm really after falling for her I just don't know how to tell her just yet" alessia reply's "yeah Ella I can tell you've fallen for her, and to be honest Georgia has too, I just know it. I say go for it" I smile at less and pull her into a hug "I've missed this ya know, sharing a room with you, bringing back the united days" "I've missed it too els you really don't understand" we both smile and get on with our unpacking we had to do.

~𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐯𝐞𝐢𝐰
- I bring Leah up to our room as I checked us in earlier, "I'm sure you wanted to room with Jords so I'm sorry but your stuck with me again" I say with a smile on my face. Leah laughs "I see Jordan enough, I never get to see my bestfriend since she lives all the way in Germany and I guess I miss her" I smile at her and pull her into another hug "I've missed you too lea" Leah reply's "anyways I'm sure you would of been wanted to share with Ella huh, how's that all going" I reply "it's been going well, we've been texting a lot, I'm just happy now I get to see her everyday for the next two weeks" Leah smiles " ah young love" I laugh at her "give over Leah, your not a granny, again your only two years older than me" I say with a stern look "I love getting you worked up Stanway" she laughs in reply. Since it's early enough and we don't have anything on today except dinner in a few hours so we have time to spare Leah says  "Well come on then, you gonna give me a tour of Germany or what?" I grab my keys and lead the way out of the door "come on then,let's go" me and Leah get out of the hotel and head out to my car, we get in and I say "buckle up, what do you want to see?" She puts her seatbelt over her and says "well I want to see where my bestfriend lives, make sure it's safe and all that" I laugh "right then I'll bring you round mine" I drive and  since Leah's only been to Germany once before she looks out the window the whole time "it's beautiful here" she says "it's something else isint it" I return. once we get to mine I welcome her in "it's not much but to be honest I'm never really here so here it is" I say. Leah walks in and says "if I could imagine anyone living here it would be you, look at that veiw!" She walks over to my living room window and points to the city and all the big buildings. "Yeah the veiws why I picked the place, you'd want to see the sunset, it's beautiful here" after me and Leah leave mine and lucky we did come back to mine because I ended up leaving my camera on my kitchen table and I wanted to bring it with me to camp this time around. I took her on a walk around my area and showed her really what my life is like here in Germany. Whilst me and Leah were walking around my phone buzzes in my pocket, it's Ella 'hey, just knocked on your door no answer? Where abouts are you? X' I smile Leah looks into my phone, "awh your wife's worried about you" I push her "shut up Leah" I respond to Ella's text 'Me and Lea came out on a spin, she wanted to see my place 'to make sure it was safe' whatever that means and just really see my life here, I'm sure we'll be back soon, were you looking for me, love?X' I feel like an absolute dummy sending an X in my texts but she just makes me feel this way so I've started doing it but just for her. She responds a few minutes later with 'I appreciate the invite, just wanted to see you to be honest, I'll see you when you get back, have fun you two Xx' I smile at her text and respond back 'how about I bring you out after training tomorrow, just me and you? You can then see a bit of my life here X' she reads the message instantly and it kind of gets me nervous, I mean did I just ask her on a date or what, maybe she won't think of it like that. She responds to the message 'I'll hold you to that Stanway, I'll see you later Xx' I like her message and put my phone away. Me and Leah continue down the road on a walk and then turn back and head back to my car Leah says "wow G I'm actually jealous of you living here, it's beautiful, getting to walk that walk everyday must be amazing" Leah knows I'm a sucker for a good veiw. "Trust me it is, now I don't do it everyday but I do try my best" we get in the car and drive back to the hotel to be greeted by Serena at the reception "well well well, look who's here, I've been looking for you" she points at Leah "hi Georgia" she says as I never even seen Serena walk in the door "where have you two been?" Leah responds to her "G took me around where she lives, wanted to make sure my bestfriends safe and all that Serena!" Serena laughs and gestures Leah to follow her I walk away and mumble to myself 'boss things'. I then head up to my room. I know what Leah and Serena are like they'll be at least an hour down there talking about what's in store for this camp so I text Ella 'Leah's in a meeting.I'm in Room 201 x'
She likes the message instantly.

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