1.3 | The Planning

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Two weeks ago, Imogen had entered the apartment building that changed her life and introduced her to her new friends. In the fourteen days, they had been working on the planning side of their big show that admittedly had quite the preparation needed before they could go through with it. And in this time, Imogen had learned four major things. Daniel fails to get along with anyone except for Jack. Henley was the bestest friend that Imogen had. Merritt adored Imogen and protected her from Daniel's unneeded comments. And Jack was always by Imogen's side ready to agree with her part of the plan.

The apartment building room wasn't an ideal meeting place so Imogen had offered up her apartment as it was perfectly placed in the middle of everyone making it the most accessible to the magicians. And today happened to be the first time they would meet there so Imogen spent time cleaning up the place and ensuring there was plenty of food and drink options for her new friends along with places for them to sleep should they need it. The first knock on the door had startled Imogen as she was fixing up the throw blanket on her couch, she quickly made her way towards the door and opened it to reveal Jack standing there.

"Hey Jack!" Imogen greeted with a smile on her face. Jack took a moment to look Imogen up and down, the woman was wearing a pair of high waisted shorts and an iron maiden shirt that was tied up on the side. He truly admired her but the sight of her standing in front of him with her hair loose and casual clothes compared to the more formal outfits she would wear in their meet ups was something he wished to see everyday and thankfully, this opportunity would give him just that. "Hey Gen, you look beautiful," Jack greeted bringing a blush to Imogen's face.

"Ah, come on in," Imogen stepped aside letting Jack into her apartment, the man of twenty-one years was amazed by her pristine and large apartment. "This is yours?" Jack asked as Imogen closed the door behind her and followed behind Jack as he walked further into the apartment. "Uh, yeah... actually my grandfather pays for it," Imogen told him truthfully, she chewed on her lip as she dropped onto the large L-shaped couch. "That's not a bad thing. New York is crazy expensive for a magician... or anyone really," Jack replied to her as he dropped his bag to the side and fell back onto the couch next to Imogen.

"Yeah, tell me about it," Imogen breathed out before turning to Jack, "My grandfather is Thaddeus Bradley..." Jack's eyes widened, any magician knew who he was; he spent his life debunking magicians. "Oh wow... how does he feel about you and magic?" Jack asked her. "He's supportive. In his own way, at least," Imogen answered him truthfully, she smiled softly before grabbing a photo from the side table and handing it over to Jack. "There's grandpa Thaddeus and my grandmother, Maria. She passed away from the same illness that took my mother," Imogen told Jack with a soft smile on her face, "But both women adored magic as much as I do. So here I am."

𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 ♡ Jack WilderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat