Moving On

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Today is the day

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Today is the day. I am finally getting a place of my own. Don't get me wrong, I love my family but I seriously need a place of my own. Living with three older brothers proves to be difficult sometimes. I hardly get any privacy anymore unless I yell at them. That then makes ma yell at them to leave me alone. I really thought that Levi was going to be the one to move out first, but he's a mommas boy. He probably won't move for a good few years. I bring the last of the boxes down the stairs and Levi is there to load it into my truck. I'm going over my list of things to make sure I have everything when I hear ma clear her throat. I look up from my list and I see both my parents standing there with small smiles and tears in ma's eyes.

"What's the matter ma?" I got a little worried, she hardly ever cries.

"Oh I'm just a little sad to see my peaches move out but I'm also so excited for you." she smiled more.

"We're very proud of you Gen, you've grown into a mighty fine young woman." Pa is a man of little words but I guess this occasion is causing for more words than grunts. I smiled up at them both.

"I'm really going to miss you guys. I promise I will still come back to help out with the chores and make sure the boys get theirs done as well."

"Truck's loaded Gen. Anything else you need?" Levi stated as he sauntered his way over to us.

"No I think that's all I got, thanks for the help." I smile and punch him in the arm.

"Alright, enough with the mushy stuff, can you leave now so I can get your room?" Sawyer pushed his way past Levi who I could tell was trying to be good and not wrestle him on the ground right here. I chuckled and gave him a hug.

"See ya later little big bro." He hugged me back tightly. We released each other and I looked around. "Where's Jesse?" Levi let out a sigh and pointed up the stairs. I understood what his silent direction was and made my way upstairs.

I knocked softly on the door. Jesse and I are the closest out of the siblings, we've always been there for each other for anything and everything.

"Jess are you in there?" I didn't hear a response so I slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door. I looked around and he wasn't there, but then I spotted the open window. I walked into the room and climbed through the window and sat next to my brother on our roof.

"Hey you." I bumped his shoulder with mine. "Everything okay?"

"Does it look like everything's okay to you?" he asked a little harshly. I noticed his face was tear stained, he'd been crying.

"Jess, hey, it's going to be okay. I promise I'm still going to come back all the time and you can come over and visit any time you want." I put my hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. He looked at me and I could see he was trying to hold back the tears.

"I know but what do I do when I need to talk to you in the middle of the night and you're no longer down the hall?" I took his hands in mine and squeezed gently as I looked him in the eyes.

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