The Dinner Scene

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⚠️Slight TW: mention of abuse⚠️

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⚠️Slight TW: mention of abuse⚠️

Ever since coming to Stardew Valley, I have been able to sleep in so much more easier. I think it may have been the lack of city noise and my noisy neighbors downstairs. The only annoying thing right now is how many times my father has called me since I've been here. I opened my phone and saw there were over a hundred and fifty missed calls. I let out a sigh and take a long sip of my coffee, my mother was right. Speaking of which, I need to call her.

"My Ollie! How are you? How are you enjoying your vacation?" I smiled at how happy she was to talk to me.

"Hey mom, I'm better. So far my vacation has been relaxing and peaceful." Except for a specific short redhead who makes my pulse beat faster when she's near.

"Oh I'm so glad to hear that. Have you met with your cousin yet?"

"Not yet, we're going for lunch later this afternoon."

"Well when you see him tell him his auntie Flo says hi and give him a hug for me." I chuckled.

"I will mom." I was going to ask her about father, but I hesitated.

"What's on your mind dear?" My mother asked gently.

"How's father..? He wasn't exactly happy with me when I left." She didn't say anything for a moment, and then I heard a sigh. "Mom... I know that sigh, what did he do?"

"It's not a big deal. Nothing to worry about..."

"Mother, stop defending him. Tell me what happened... please." She let out another sigh and when she spoke I could hear a little break in her voice.

"With you leaving and the big case he has to deal with he's been under a lot of stress and-"

"Mother..." I cut her off but spoke softly.

"He um... he hit me.." My blood ran cold. My father had hit my mother... I gripped my phone tighter and tried to keep my voice even.

"He hit you? What happened? Is it bad?" I was enraged that my father would ever lay his hands on her like that.

"He came home from work and was angry about how they might lose this case. I was only trying to calm him down but he turned that anger on me and he hit me across my face. But it was an accident, he felt horrible after it happened." I could only stand there in my tiny kitchen and just listen to the story unfold.

"Whether it was an accident or not, it is nowhere near okay for him to lay his hands on you like that."

"He promised it wouldn't happen again." I breathed out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"If it happens again I want you to promise me you will call me and I will come get you."

"Oh Ollie-"

"Promise... promise me mother, please."

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