They both kissed and went their separate ways 

Fatima had yet to check her voicemail that Ebony had left for her the other day 

Detective Lacey: I was getting worried since I hadn't heard from you 

Zac: Sorry I had a lot of stuff has been going on I been had the audio. Is this all you need 

Lacey: Yes this is all we need he will more than likely be picked up tonight or tomorrow morning. I will keep you updated 

Zac: Okay 

Lacey: Thank you so much we wouldn't be able to close this case without you 

Zac: Happy to help 

Fatima's Office 

Fatima tried to get in and out of the office before someone stopped her and started asking her questions 

Fatima was busy getting files and didn't see Kyle walk into her office as he hovered over her desk 

Kyle: I was looking for Ebony I didn't see her in the office 

Fatima: I didn't hear you come in yes she is out today do you need something 

Kyle: She was supposed to give me the file for my client to sign do you have it 

Fatima: Let me go check and see if it's on her desk 

While Fatima left out the office Kyle tapped Fatima phone to see if she still had unanswered voicemails 

From the looks of it she didn't listen to the voicemail from Ebony 

Fatima came back in the office 

Fatima: She must have placed it on my desk

Fatima went shuffling through the papers and folders on her desk 

Kyle reached for a folder spilling an old cup of coffee on Fatima's phone 

Kyle: I am so sorry I thought this was the file right here. Please forgive me I will buy you a new phone if needed 

Fatima: Gosh picking up her phone and wiping it off 

I do not need this right now 

Kyle: Maybe you can put it in some rice I know that works every time for me 

Fatima: Found it here you go 

Handing Kyle the file 

Fatima: Once it's signed just place it back on my desk please 

Kyle: Will do hope Ebony feels better 

Fatima: Huh what do you mean 

Kyle: No I am just assuming since she is not in today she is sick 

Fatima: Oh 

Fatima was getting irritated his ass was always smiling in her face being weird 

She packed up the rest of her things and left 


Belinda: Bitch you been blowing up my phone since this morning what is going on 

Angela: You wouldn't believe what I found in Bryce phone 

Remember when I told you Zac reached out to Bryce to get back in business with him ever since then Bryce ass been acting obsessed 

Belinda: What's new you knew his ass liked men from day one 

Angela: I know but I thought he would eventually get it out of his system but it's getting worse 

Belinda: So what did you find

Us Against The WorldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora