a new morning for a discarded Noble Lady.

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Katarina Claes still slept,
The Girl of highest noble birth was laying without clothes on a huge mattress

Fate had not been kind to the young Girl this was maybe the first time in months that she had a warm place to sleep
Or a belly full enough to be able to sleep trough without waking from hunger
All because of *HER!*,even thinking of this accursed thiefing commoner harlot made Katarina's blood boil
It don't matter what the Commoner had set out to do because only the things she actually had done count,and what the blond whore did was exactly that
First seduce Katarina's Fiance and brother to the point Katarina as a responsible heir to house claes couldn't ignore
Than she had continuesly dismiss and ignored all of Katarinas threads and warnings until she needed to take more drastic meagers
Than after one of her followers had used magic without Katarina's consent Katarina had been put on trial for it!

Her engagement broken so Maria could steal it!
Her place in society and her rights stripped of her so Maria could take them for her self!
Her home and family taken from her so Maria could have them instead!
Maria's Original intention didn't count shit anymore
She had stolen Katarina's life without any hesitation or remorse
And that made Maria Cambell a truly evil person
Whenever she had planed it from the start or not.

It was ridiculous that now a counter part of her torturer had done everything she could to help her recover,
Maria had almost acted like a love sick fool,but it was pretty obvious how much she cared for Katarina,both Katarina's
Katarina knew this because as she was enraged as she was saw the thief,she attacked the blond Whore
But this Maria was more than capable of putting Katarina down,she was infinitely more powerful than the Maria Katarina knew
Not only that but she also was on Katarina's site,she told her how sorry she was for what her despicable other self had done
She also showed just soooo much love and care for a Girl that had been stripped of everything and left alone in a cold and uncaring world
And Katarina *needed* that after she had been so carelessly disregarded.

Maria had been soo kind to, had spoken such soft words to her
Maria had realized just how hungry Katarina was and had baked somthing that was just as delicious as it was filing
Katarina despite her good etiquette was starving and had devoured the treat like a starving Wolf
After that she had let the light mage track her to bet and stripe her with almost no back fight

Maria watched in silent adoration the sleeping faces of both versions of her beloved
despite her role as the Villain or more fitting the Victim in Maria's tale she was still the same loveable idiot deep down
To see how bitter she had become over the injustices she faced mostly because of her own Fortune lover edition had broken Marias heart even more

She of course had done everything she could to at least heal Katarinas physical injurys
But even than some scars had remained,Maria was she she would be able to get them away in two weeks if she continued to treat the other Katarina but....
It had made it once again painfully obvious how much her other self had wronged this Girl,and despite all the changes at the core it was still the Girl she loved...

"Are you hungery?"Maria asked the scared and abused version of her lover
"don't thing a would ever start to beg for your *spares*! Commoner!"Katarina hissed poisoness at the Light Mage
"No...."Maria said cold tears in her face"no i-i wouldn't humiliate you- im not *that Woman*! Please i *love you*- please let me help you- "the blond said desperate
"love me- ?"Original Katarina looked shocked,than she looked at her twin than at Maria"so this is how it is... "Katarina said in a faint voice
"you chose her....... "Katarina said in a voice that sounded as if it came form far away
"you' Maria said,
"what?"Katarina asked

"i chose you,we all did Lady Katarina._."Maria said as softly as she could,she knew she need to be as gentle as possible with this Katarina
Because despite being incredibly strong and stubborn this version of Katarina had been hurt badly,and far deeper than physical wound's could ever
"Katarina..."The exiled Noble Woman just spoke out her own name
"what?"Maria asked confused

"Katarina my name,im not a Lady anymore THANK'S TO YOU!!!!!"screamed at the light mage
Maria hugd original Katarina in tears,she was remainded of the Moment when Lady Katarina had offered to just call her Katarina
This moment almost feeld like a perversion of this sweet moment between her and her love,(and it filled her with even more hatred for her other self )
"you may not believe it but at heart you really are the same as our Katarina-"Maria smiled at the Villainess,i love both versions of you,because you really are the same at the core"
"i fear i can't say the same about you..."Katarina angrily snarld add Maria

"i know, and i can't blame you- what she did to you was a horrible atrocity"Maria said sadly smiling while stroking Original Katarina's hair
Katarina looked away,the Kindness and understanding of this Girl was just to much after the harsh World Katarina had experienced after Exil and she didn't want to fall for *any* version of the Girl who took everything from her
Suddenly the fallen nobles stomach grumbled

"i think its my time to go to Kittchen"Maria said leaving the reaction room
Katarina looked around too see the same living reflection of people she knew and had sex with the previous night
If Katarina Claes had been anyone else she would herself look as tiny as possible and hide herself,but she wasn't just *anyone* oh no! She was Katarina Claes! Daughter of house Claes! So she set on the Corner of the bet and waited,
After a while the light Mage returned with a plate full of pies and other Bakery products
"lets have breakfast together,i assure you everyone here only wants you to be happy Lady Katarina"Maria said and than waking everybody
After the meal Katarina had been full and couldn't stop her lips from forming a small smile....

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