Rage and Contempt

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The Katarina on the Tv was shown to be chained on a table
Some devises were put on her shoulders and her forehand and than she screamd
The devises were obviously made for torture....

"WHAT THE HELL?" Keith said" that's the same they did to me !"
The boy rememberd all the suffering he went trough while he was abductet
"let her go you pice off...!!!" Keiths Heart were racing at light speed to imagen that Katarina went trough that pain was worse than anything that could have been done to him.
Maria couldn't stop her tears Katarina only had to went trough all that because of her other self
And Katarina herself were still to bussy to find out her situation, the love confession from all of her friends still occupant her mind.

The Original Katarinas torture still got further
One of the servants said that Katarina already has had dark magic but it wasn't awaken
The Baron said that this couldn't be true
But the researchers insisted

"we already know lady Katarina was born with dark magic so stop this shit you bastard....." Mary said weak
"it should be me......." Keith whispers "it should be me who is chained too this table and tortured, not her...."
Prince Geordo didn't say a word but he couldn't stop his unable to cope with how he would have repaid Katarina for all her love and devotion

The Baron now expected the words and said that this was a remarkable opportunity
Than he said that Katarina was still Beautiful and very young and he wouldn't mind to get a peek at what was under the Rags she was wearing

Prince Geordos hand slighted towards his sword his grasp so hard that it would have broken if the Material had even been slightly lower
Mary hunt exuded an aura so deadly that no one except Darien dared to looke at her
Keiths Heart raced in anger
Maria looked at the scene with disgust, it was her fault that Katarina was in the Hands of that pervert

Too the Barons dismay Katarina was already awake
So he told her to go too the ministry of magic and cause troubles to get "the price"

"sending an Criminal even if she is a Victim of Miscarriage of Justice to that is a suicide mission!" Alan screamd
"if she gets caught i kill every single guard in the ENTIRE FUCKING MINISTRY!!!!" Mary yelld at the Tv
"if he hurts her anymore i don't know if i can EVER forgive myself"Geordo said with pain in his eyes

Now "Princess" Maria Campbell Prince Geordos new Fiance showed up she received many flowers and the entire Kingdom layed to her foots
The little thief got praise a congratulations from anyone only Sianna Nelson and a view other of Katarina close friends seemed to detest her

There is no fairness in this World......" Maria said crushed unable to believe that seing herself happy could be so disgusting, and she started to cry again
Katarina may have beer occupied with her own feelings about the mass confession she just got but seing Maria in tears, Katarina just new the Heroine was in pain, and because Maria was apperantly on some what of a Dlc Katarina route she new she was the best to comfort her.

"it is okay Maria...." the lovely Villainess said pulling her supposed rival in a hug
"but.... what she..... I-i did to you is......" Maria started
"but that World is not important isn it? What counts is our World in which i love you love me" Katarina said softly and pulled Maria in a Kiss
Katarinas lips feeld so soft and sweet that it filled Maria with both more hatered for her other self who would have made that sweet and lovely Girl who was the only rightful owner of her Heart go trough Hell for her own benefit
And also a little bid pity because she'll never know true love how her parasitic relationships to the prince and his friends had shown, they didn't "love" each other the only truly "dependent" on each other and in a very unhealthy way too
So Maria enjoyed the embrace of her beloved Lady Katarina and thanked her lucky star to be with the Woman she loved.

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