2. After A long Time

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"After that, lets go see each other's parents to discuss." Minho continues.

Han just nodded, " Okay." He was still looking away. He wasn't ready to look at this new version of flirty Minho.


Hyunjin smiled when he caught Han and Minho from afar. The way Han reacted, even though he cant hear anything, he knows Minho says something fluttery to him.

"Are they your friends?"

Hyunjin looked to his side, to a blonde, freckled guy he bumped into.

"Yes. My college friends." Hyunjin answers.

"Okay, back to my question. Where the hell were you after the graduation party? I saw everyone but you." Felix started to questioned him.

He got a sudden reminder of the whole past about the disappearing Hyunjin after the party.

With the question, Hyunjin got embarrassed. He didn't know wether to let him know or just keep quiet about it.

He scratched his neck as if he wanted to perished from that place. Why did Felix needed to ask that?

"Hey..., am I talking to the table now? Jinie?"

'He still remember my nickname...!'

Hyunjin could feel the race inside his soul.

"Um.. busy with college. My phone was broken, and I lost everyone's numbers. Sorry." Says Hyunjin, hoping that Felix would buy it.

"It wasn't about my rejection, isn't it?"

But he seems like to fail his reasoning after Felix started to talk about the real stuff.

"I know I hurt you that time... But we promise not to ruin the friendship, right? Remember?" Felix doesn't seem to caught the wound in Hyunjin's heart.

"I know. I remember that. But...," The whole world felt blank as Hyunjin flew inside the box of memories again.

He admitted that Felix wasn't being mean to him before and he rejected him nicely but it was still deeply wounded to be remember.

His head watching the water fountain at the end of the road, his eyes were shaking, holding back pain.

"After the rejection, I find it hard to bring myself to face you. And the fact that you started dating after that... I... I just didn't want to disturb you." He tried to make it sound normal rather than sounding like he was still hurting.

"What have I done... Was I the reason why we weren't in touch anymore? Jinie, sorry if I hurt you back then." He sounded really sorry and his face says it all for Hyunjin to understand.

"No no no... Dont say that. Its your right, you didn't love me. But that was just in the past... I... I dont feel the same anymore." And Hyunjin still wasn't sure wether he was lying or not.

"Well, talking about that... Have you found someone? Like, the special one? Someone who gave you butterflies?" Suddenly Felix changed the subject.

Shocked to hear that question, Hyunjin looked up to Felix.

'how come I found one, when the one I love is dating someone else?' His heart piercing on again.

"No, not yet." Didn't want such thoughts swayed him, Hyunjin stopped thinking about the past.

"What about you and your boyfriend? Have you guys like.... You know, settled down?" Asking this kind of question felt like throwing himself into a cave of weapons.

"Uh... I dont how to describe it. But yeah, we haven't broken up yet and I still love him. We're just too far to contact each other and somehow haven't seen each other in years now... But that's fine. I know he still love me." Felix tried to looked at the bright side.

"In years? Didn't contact each other? Isn't that just means 'break up' already?" Hyunjin assumed.

"No! I dont think so. Haha. Stop talking about me and starts worrying about yourself. Find someone already. You deserve it." In the name of changing subject, Felix awkwardly asked.

Understood the situation, Hyunjin didn't ask anything but pretend to go along with the topic.

"I don't think I have time to worry about my love life now since I'm pretty busy focusing on my career." He explains, once in awhile stealing glances towards the blonde.

At the moment he caught Felix's eyes, he saw excitement in Felix's face.

"Career? What are you doing now? Dont tell me... Wait, are you an artist now?" Felix almost screech out of happiness.

He made Hyunjin lost his mind once again. All these years of separation, and he still remember what Hyunjin likes the most.

"Y-yes... And my first exhibition will be held next week.... What about you? What are you doing now?" Hyunjin didn't know what kind of expression he made now, but pretty sure it was obvious that he was blushing.

"Hehe, nothing big. But I do manage a bakery of my own now." Felix turned red, feeling small in front of his friend.

"Huh? Really? Wow, do invite me there, will ya?"

Felix nodded fast. "Just come to this address!"

He handed his business card to Hyunjin.

"I will come very often!" Hyunjin stares into the card as if he wanted to eat it.

"I actually so proud of what have you become, Jinie! I hope in focusing on your career, someone will be attracted to you and finally make you their lover. You know, you're handsome. Handsome man cant be left alone for a long time!" Felix says whatever came across his brain. He was just so happy that he gets to see Hyunjin again after a long time.

Not minding how Hyunjin was feeling inside about his remarks by remarks.

'then.. why not you the one who attracted to me?' Hyunjin ponders.

"Talking about partners, my mom is actually in process of finding me a husband. I dont like how she decides everything for me, but maybe I should give her a chance to do things as she likes."  Guess, Hyunjin thought he should start to forget Felix as his crush since he was about to get married soon.

"Oh really? That is some good news! I'm happy for you."

'good news? Why god made us meet in this kind of time? Is it some kind of sign that I should not go home and cancel the wedding?' Hyunjin once again ponder.

He cant get Felix out of his mind yet. He wasn't ready.

But the wedding....

"No matter what it is... I know the person you're going to marry is a good person. And I hope he will love and appreciate you more than I can ever do to you."

And the world collapsed as Felix said that. Hyunjin shifted his eyes into the other's pairs, and didn't broke the stares.

"I hope so." Hyunjin's voice has gotten very low.

"Again, I'm sorry for hurting you in the past okay? I hope our friendship can still going strong again." Felix looks with a hopeful eyes.

And Hyunjin nodded, not strong enough to reply. After today, this meeting will only means about a friend meeting his friend and that's that.

"I think its time for me to leave now. Lets meet again, somewhere sometimes. And don't forget to invite me to your wedding." As he stood and extend his hand to Hyunjin, he smiled so brightly.

Shaken the whole dynasty in Hyunjin's mind.

"Hm, I'll make sure of it."

They said goodbye with a single handshake.

'Is this what they call fate? Me and Felix, we were just meant to be friends only.'



(I'm starving... What kind of supper can I have now? Any recommendations? Also, thanks for reading lovessss)

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