A New Day

722 16 35

112 AC - Kings Landing

Taerons Chambers

Taeron was writing a letter to the lords of the realm. It was a formal invitation to the tourney that his father was to hold for the babe that was in his mother's belly. For the last 8 years, Taeron has proven himself to be the youngest member of the Small Council. He served as a cupbearer for a year and then a page for two years, but his father was so impressed by him that he had Taeron sit on the council as a member. He had no title other than heir to the Iron Throne.

He thought of the dream he had the night before his father officially named him as his heir. He saw the man called Davion Baratheon fight a man made of ice in the North. His dreams would stop there.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard something. Taeron sighed. "You couldn't use the door?" He asked, still focused on writing his letters.

"Well, I've always known how to make an entrance." Vaegon smirked.

"When did you return?" Taeron asked.

"Lastnight. I was fighting in the pits, then I went to a brothel and I woke up with three whores next to me." Vaegon bragged.

"Hm. Why did you come back?" Taeron asked more sternly.

"Is it so hard to believe that I missed you and our sister?" Vaegon inquired.

"It is. Especially since you're the reason that I'm home early. I was sent to tour the realm in search of a wife and you had sex with all of them." Taeron pointed out. "14 noble women who could've been my betrothed and you couldn't help yourself."

"My cock wants what it wants." Vaegon smirked.

Taeron sighed. "I'm not mad at you for that. At least I know that even noble women can be corrupt."

"You flatter me, brother." Vaegon said.

"Mother and father believe that I rejected them because I said that they were dim-witted." Taeron said.

"I didn't ask you to lie for me." Vaegon said.

"I wasnt." Taeron said. "I was right any woman that sleeps with you is indeed dim-witted."

Vaegon laughed. "Good to see that my brother is still in there somewhere."

"Father is holding a Small Council meeting later, you should join." Taeron suggested.

"I'd rather have Galathor eat me alive." Vaegon said.

"Well if you're not going to join the meeting then you'll join me when I meet with Lord Corlys." Taeron commanded.

"I'd rather have mother tell us about the story of our birth for the 100th time." Vaegon spat.

"The Small Council meeting was optional. Meeting with Lord Corlys is not. You will accompany me and that's final." Taeron said.

"Fine. Fine." Vaegon sighed. He hated meetings and listening to old men bickering about how the Kingdoms should thrive.

"Don't sulk, brother. You owe me for Dorne. We were on the verge of a peace treaty and you ruined it by sleeping with the Prince of Dornes wife." Taeron pointed out.

"It's as I said. My cock wants what it wants." Vaegon said.

"Just make sure you're dressed appropriately for when we meet with Lord Corlys and use the door when you leave." Taeron said.

"As you wish, brother."Vaegon said.

Aemmas chambers

Queen Aemma had been fanning herself for the past hour as she was heavily pregnant, although she told Viserys no more she decided that they should try again, for she didn't blame the king for her previous stillbirth. She was visited by her second son, Vaegon.

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