(1)The Day They Met

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Kpapa was at the Stray Kids Maniac Tour and he was screaming his lungs out to his favorite song Thunderous. He waved his lightstick as hard as he could but he ended up hitting a short gray haired wrinkly man on the head. The man was so wrinkly that the lightstick got stuck between his wrinkles and folds. "W-WOAH.. Watch we're you're waving that lightstick, babygirl."Said the man flirtatiously. "OOOH MY G-G-G-GOD IM SOOOO SORRRRRYYYY!!" Yelled Kpapa.

Kpapa then realized it was his old classmate Cody Cox. "W-WAIT! CODY YOU STAN STRAY KIDS??"

Cox blushes and responds by saying "Y-Yes i've been following them since their debut.." He was so excited that someone his age was a skz fan

Kpapa and Cody were watching the concert together. They really enjoyed all the songs and they cheered on until it ended, once the concert ended they met up with each other again outside of the concert.

A couple years pass by and now they sleep in the same crusty bed and they are in a somewhat happy relationship with eight kids and each one was named after a stray kids member the favorite child was Changbinnie Jr.

3 moths later their kids got taken away because kpapa was spending too much money on skz merch and they couldn't afford to take care of the children...

Cox would also never be at home, he was always at school working and teaching biology

(his favorite class is 7th period btw because im in it😝😝)

The Night We Met (Kpapa x Cody C.)Where stories live. Discover now