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A blonde hair boy, who was standing on the rooftop, he skipped class just for this, he wanted to do this a long time ago. Tsukasa hesitated a while, and then find himself on the rear, it was like 4 floors high, there was no one.

Suddenly, someone pushed him and lost his balance.


"AHH- Huh..?"

He woke up in a middle of the night, seeming frightened.

He knows that tomorrow has school, but he can't just go to school with a low stamina. Tsukasa tried to shake off the nightmare, but it doesn't seem to work.

"I can't do this, what if I fell asleep in class?"

He mumbled, trying to fall back sleep....



Toya gently shake the sleeping boy.

"Class is starting soon, wake up..."

He nudged him again and again, but the ending is still the same. Toya has no choice but to let him go, because the bell rang.

A good news is that the first lesson of the teacher was absent, so the students can study by themselves without making noises, except for Tsukasa.


The bell rang, Tsukasa finally woke up, he looked something in his bag. After a minute, he realise he didn't bring his lunchbox. Tsukasa sighed, decided to breath some air on the rooftop.

When he stepped on the rooftop, there was no one at all, he really liked the scene. But, the rooftop is giving him some deja vu.

After the lunchtime, he came back to class.

After school, Tsukasa needs to go to the grocery shop to buy foods. Yet, he keep seeing couples, like it was Valentine days, he hated it. As he was finding some foods for his sister and his own, he met someone who he is familiar with..

"Rui? What is he doing here.."

Tsukasa mumbled as he increases his speed to leave the grocery shop. It was a tiring day for him, he quickly get home and did his things as fast as possible.

At 7p.m.,
He laid on the bed, wishing he can sleep well. Tsukasa is mentally tired but he couldn't fall asleep, it was weird for him.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated on the nightstand. A text message from amia♡.

"Who's bothering me...?"

He sat up to check on the message.

yo wsg bro
can i ask you something rq

What is it? I'm going to sleep soon.

can you hangout with me after school

Sure why not.


"That's a bit of sudden, but they looks happy though."

He smiled at his own phone, turning off his phone before saying goodnight to Mizuki.

The next day, Tsukasa went to school as usual, nothing special happened. He promised them to meet after school, and Mizuki came on time.

"Hellooo! Let's go, shall we?"

"Mhm, let's go."

As Mizuki and Tsukasa were chatting while on the way to the mall (actually near), he felt something was staring at him, therefore he keeps looking around and pretend it's nothing when Mizuki asks.

They finally arrived at the mall, Mizuki and Tsukasa had some good time in the mall, ex. playing arcade games, shopping (helping mizuki to pick), and more stuff. But the feeling of being stared is giving him cold sweats, he even checked his surroundings multiple times.

After the hangout, Mizuki and Tsukasa went back home together.

"It was sooo fun! But they closed too wayy early, fuck!"
Mizuki said while kicking the stones and crossing their arms.

"That's okay, it's not like it will be closed for years."
Tsukasa laughed, but the feeling is getting stronger, but he didn't know where is it.

Soon, Mizuki and Tsukasa went back to their own house, and the feeling being stared disappeared when he got home.

He thought it was just a silly hangout, he never realised the severity.

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